Report on the project progress
Implementing organisations are required to report on the progress of their project. Here you will find important information and documents to submit the appropriate reporting. Please select the appropriate selection procedure for your project.
The International Climate Initiative (IKI) is committed to high level transparency. Therefore, all IKI implementing organisations must submit an annual report on the progress of their project referred to as interim reports.
Furthermore, in order to inform the general public about current measures and interesting project results, the IKI requests for biannual updates from its implementing organisations.
Interim reports
Exemplary process flow for submitting the interim reports of an IKI project. The interim report provides information on the progress of the project and consists of, as a rule, a cover sheet, a technical report and a financial statement.
The technical report consists of information on the accomplished project results, IKI standard indicators and IKI safeguards. The financial statement serves to document the use of the funding.
Implementing organisations that forward grants to implementing partners (organisations receiving forwarded grants) within the framework of the project are legally obliged to check the interim accounts of each individual organisation receiving a forwarded grant. The implementation as well as the result of the interim report review must be documented and confirmed by the first receiving organisation on the “Cover sheet of the substantive report”. The “IKI-Guideline for the review of the interim report of the sub-grantee by the grantee” serves for orientation purposes regarding the content of the review.
The IKI Office of ZUG provides corresponding templates for the submission of the required information. These templates can be downloaded from this page.
Please submit the documents annually by 30 April via e-mail to the IKI Office of ZUG. Multilateral organisations have alternative regulations and these are set out in the grant agreements.
Submission format:
- The documents must be submitted by e-mail as Word- and Excel-compatible files as well as PDF files.
- The project number must be stated as the e-mail subject.
The IKI Office of ZUG reviews the interim reports and if necessary, requests further information from the implementing organisations.
Biannual updates
Exemplary process flow for submitting the biannual updates of an IKI project. The biannual updates are less extensive. During the biannual updates, the IKI Office requests relevant project results including released publications and videos. The IKI publishes this information on the individual project pages on the IKI website. The biannual updates are thus a good and simple way for the implementing organisation to present their project work to the public.
In addition, the biannual updates are an important source of information for the ministries and for project supervision by the IKI Office of ZUG with regards to politically relevant developments in the project environment and important events in the implementation.
The IKI Office of ZUG provides a template that can be downloaded from this page.
Please submit the biannual updates respectively on 15 March and 15 September to the IKI Office of ZUG by e-mail.
- IKI Template Interim Report Technical Report (12/2024) (English, DOCX, 141 KB)
- IKI Template Interim Report Financial Statement (Expenditure Basis) (01/2024) (German, XLSX, 40 KB)
- IKI Template Interim Report Financial Statement (International Grantees) (01/2024) (English, XLSX, 39 KB)
- IKI Template Interim Report Financial Statement (Multilateral Organisations) (12/2024) (English, XLSX, 35 KB)
- IKI Template Annex 7 Standard Indicator Report (07/2023) (English, XLSX, 1 MB)
- IKI Template Biannual Project Update (01/2025) (English, DOCX, 150 KB)
- IKI Template Interim Report Financial Statement (Cost Basis) (Only for German funding recipients) (12/2024) (German, XLSX, 116 KB)
- IKI Administrative Guidelines (04/2024) (English, PDF, 759 KB, barrier-free)
- IKI Guidelines on Project Planning and Monitoring (04/2024) (English, PDF, 2 MB, barrier-free)
- IKI Guidelines on how to write a short project description (03/2022) (English, PDF, 162 KB, barrier-free)
- IKI Guideline Review of Reporting by the Subgrantee (12/2024) (English, PDF, 84 KB, barrier-free)
The International Climate Initiative (IKI) is committed to high level transparency. Therefore, all IKI implementing organisations must submit an annual report on the progress of their project referred to as interim reports.
Furthermore, in order to inform the general public about current measures and interesting project results, the IKI requests for biannual updates from its implementing organisations.
Interim reports
The interim report provides information on the progress of the project and consists of, as a rule, a cover sheet, a technical report and a financial statement.
The technical report consists of information on the accomplished project results, IKI standard indicators and IKI safeguards. The financial statement serves to document the use of the funding.
Implementing organisations that forward grants to implementing partners (organisations receiving forwarded grants) within the framework of the project are legally obliged to check the interim accounts of each individual organisation receiving a forwarded grant. The implementation as well as the result of the interim report review must be documented and confirmed by the first receiving organisation in the inspection note.
The IKI Office of ZUG provides corresponding templates for the submission of the required information. These templates can be downloaded from this page.
Within three months of receiving the interim report, there will be a debriefing session involving the implementing organisation, partners and ZUG. The purpose of this meeting is to address any outstanding queries from the interim report review and discuss other pertinent matters such as recent project advancements. Concrete insights into on-site activities using visual materials like photos and videos of the project, will also be shared during this session.
Please submit the documents annually by 30 April via e-mail to the IKI Office of ZUG. Multilateral organisations have alternative regulations and these are set out in the grant agreements.
Submission format:
- Progress statement and Inspection Note – to be submitted by E-mail
- Financial statement – to be via the profi Online platform (German), via e-mail and via signed by post (the project signature must be stated as the e-mail subject)
The IKI Office of ZUG reviews the interim reports and if necessary, requests further information from the implementing organisations.
Biannual updates
The biannual updates are less extensive. During the biannual updates, the IKI Office requests relevant project results including released publications and videos. The IKI publishes this information on the individual project pages on the IKI website. The biannual updates are thus a good and simple way for the implementing organisation to present their project work to the public.
In addition, the biannual updates are an important source of information for the ministries and for project supervision by the IKI Office of ZUG with regards to politically relevant developments in the project environment and important events in the implementation.
The IKI Office of ZUG provides a template that can be downloaded from this page.
Please submit the biannual updates respectively on 15 September to the IKI Office of ZUG by e-mail.
- IMG Template Progress Statement (02/2023) (English, DOCX, 204 KB)
- IMG Template Annex 3 Standard Indicator Report (07/2023) (English, XLSX, 1 MB)
- IMG Debriefing Guiding Questions (02/2023) (English, PDF, 336 KB, barrier-free)
- IMG Template Debriefing Minutes (02/2023) (English, DOCX, 201 KB)
- IMG Template Receipt List (02/2022) (English, XLSX, 33 KB)
- IMG Template Inspection Note (01/2025) (English, DOCX, 150 KB)
- IMG Template Biannual Update (08/2024) (English, DOCX, 144 KB)
Financial Statement (to be submitted via the profi Online platform) (German)
Easy Online Application Platform (The use of the Easy Online Application Platform is only obligatory for German grant recipients)
General Auxiliary Provisions for Grants for Project Funding (ANBest-P) (German)
IKI Guidelines Communication Obligations and Channels for IKI Projects
IKI Independent Complaint Mechanism
Policy for handling of mitigation credits in the IKI
IKI Corona FAQs
The IKI Small Grants are implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH. All relevant funding information can be found on the IKI Small Grants website.
For further information or questions, implementing organisations can contact the respective IKI project support or the IKI Office.
IKI Office
Zukunft – Umwelt – Gesellschaft (ZUG) gGmbH
Stresemannstraße 69-71
10963 Berlin
Important information and documents for the implementation of IKI projects in the individual project phases
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