Urban climate action: pilot projects under article 6 of the Paris Agreement in Indonesia & Thailand

Cities cause over 40% of direct global CO2 emissions. However, mobilising significant emission reductions in cities is a major challenge due to the very heterogeneous urban structures. The project develops pragmatic approaches for the implementation of activities corresponding to the article 6 of the Paris Agreement in cities. In other words, the project pilots the integration of cities in the global emission trading system. A particular focus lies on the involvement of relevant actors at the local, national level and international level. Furthermore, pragmatic structures and distribution mechanisms for Article 6 will be conceptualised with the partners and relevant actors in the target countries. The expected outcome of the project is to have at least one pilot city in each country that is able to generate emission certificates according to Article 6.

Project data

Indonesia, Thailand
IKI funding
489,118.95 €
11/2021 till 05/2025
Implementing organisation
Perspectives Climate Group GmbH
Implementing Partner
  • ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability e.V.
  • Thailand Greenhouse Gas Management Organization

State of implementation/results

  • Development of Mitigation Activity Idea Notes (MAINs) for two pilot concepts in Indonesia. The MAINs present further detail on the concepts, including information on the methodologies used, involved stakeholders, contribution to SDGs, etc. (ongoing).
  • Development of financing concepts for two pilot concepts in Indonesia (ongoing).
  • Outreach to potential buyers of Internationally Transferred Mitigation Outcomes (ITMOs) (ongoing).
  • Dialogue with municipal, regional and central governments in partner countries to build capacity and ensure that Art. 6 pilots are supported (ongoing).
  • Design of a website to facilitate national capacity building and international outreach (www.urbanarticle6.com/…).
  • Local workshops for capacity building on Art. 6 engagement and development of pilot concepts.
  • Selection of target cities in Indonesia (Yogyakarta) and Thailand (Khon Kaen and Krabi).
  • Analysis of status-quo in the selected cities: high-level emission profiles, existing/planned emission reduction targets, mapping of the most important stakeholders.
  • Identification of key city-specific climate policies, gap analysis and potential Art. 6 interventions.
  • Dialogue with key stakeholders such as municipalities on prioritization of measures, focusing on the waste and transport sectors in both countries.
  • Conceptualization of potential urban Art 6 pilots in the selected cities in Thailand and Indonesia, focusing on:
    • a. Transforming market waste to biogas in Yogyakarta, Indonesia
    • b. Electrification of the city bus fleet (with dedicated renewable energy) in Yogyakarta, Indonesia; and,
    • c. Electrification of city and regional buses in Krabi, Thailand (no longer being pursued due to changes in political climate).
  • Pilot conceptualization included the determination of baseline emissions, the quantitative assessment of expected emission reductions by the Art. 6 pilots, the embedding and interaction with other national and regional climate policies, as well as the assessment of the financing requirements (e.g., for investments or tax incentives).

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