Transformative Low Carbon and Climate Resilient Pathways of Costa Rica

Costa Rica has ambitious NDC and SDG goals to become a resilient, inclusive and carbon neutral economy by 2050. However, there is a lack of capacities in order to develop “green and blue” production standards in relevant sectors. TRANSFORMA consolidates a country driven stakeholder coordination and NAMAs in the agricultural sector. It is aiming to conserve coastal marine biodiversity, as well as to create innovative financing incentives to unlock additional financial resources and stimulate private sector investments. Fishery Families and farmers in coffee, livestock and banana production benefit directly due to low carbon and climate resilient value chains. The outputs and results of TRANSFORMA are contributing to long-term climate resilience, ecological sustainability of key ecosystems, significantly achieving Costa Rica’s decarbonisation of its economy.

Project data

Costa Rica
IKI funding
12,312,000.00 €
Included preparation phase
228,000.00 €
10/2021 till 09/2026
Implementing organisation
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Political Partner
  • Ministry of Environment and Energy (MINAE) - Costa Rica
Implementing Partner
  • Conservation International (CI)
  • CRUSA Costa Rica United States of America Foundation for Cooperation
  • FUNBAM Fundación Banco Ambiental
  • Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center (CATIE) - Costa Rica
  • United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

State of implementation/results

  • The governance structure of the project consists of a steering committee, a management team and thematic working groups. The Ministry of Agriculture (MAG), the Institute of Fisheries (INCOPESCA) and the Conservation Areas System (SINAC) are currently involved in the implementation.
  • Training materials on GHG-reducing and resilience-enhancing cultivation methods in the three sectors banana, livestock and coffee have been developed, and will be used for training of agricultural businesses (CATIE).
  • 20 livestock “model farms” to train farmers on good livestock practices were identified. More than 40 technical personnel for relevant sectorial institutions were trained in gender and youth perspectives.
  • UNDP, in cooperation with relevant stakeholders (e.g. the National Meteorological Institute IMN, Universities and ICAFE), analyzed possible updates to the MRV system and deforestation monitoring. Specialized equipment was delivered to the National Institute for agricultural innovation and tech transfer INTA to strengthen measurement capacities.
  • A proposal for the promotion of coffee with environmental differentiation was developed in collaboration with a group of 22 coffee exporters and experts from PROCOMER and ICAFE.
  • ICAFE, PROCOMER and GIZ supported the participation of 11 Costa Rican coffee organizations at the World of Coffee fair to promote low carbon and deforestation-free coffee. Two dairy processing plants and one meat processing plant analyzed measures for reducing GHG emissions related to their operations.
  • FUNBAM, FONAFIFO and GIZ are exploring existing schemes for payments for environmental services to foster agroforestry. Additionally, funds coming from the benefit sharing of REDD+ schemes were identified for possibly funding transformational activities in the prioritized terrestrial sectors. With GIZ-support the national Development Bank System (SBD) is developing a green policy (including its piloting). To mobilize private funding, GIZ is exploring the implementation of the Global Conservation Standard (GCS). CATIE and GIZ are supporting the development of handbooks for regenerative coffee, which is key to unlock funds from the bank BAC.
  • IE, UNDP, GIZ and FUNDECOOPERACION are implementing a scheme for the transformation of 308 livestock farms. Participating farms will receive seed capital from TRANSFORMA and the project "Scaling ADAPTA2" of the Adaptation Fund. The development of business plans will be supported. This will strengthen farmers accessing loans (e.g. from FUNDECOOPERACION).
  • Transforma and CATIE´s ACTIVA-CATIE initiative agreed on a matching fund scheme for entrepreneurs in the banana sector, with a special focus on women, youth, and indigenous groups. Project funding will be matched with funding from SBD. A first call for non-repayable funding was launched in 07/24.
  • 21 previously selected innovative ideas are receiving grants for implementing technological innovations (coffee). The selection of at least 20 innovative projects through an ideas competition is underway (livestock). In the banana sector, the ideas competition is about to be launched (through ACTIVA-CATIE).
  • A community of practice was established in coastal communities, focusing on sustainable blue value chains for the conservation and sustainable management of marine and coastal resources.
  • Six small-scale coastal fishing and aquaculture value chains were defined and analyzed in detail. Based on this analysis holistic improvement plans for each value chain will be designed.
  • Local strategies for the protection and restoration of mangroves are currently being validated and concretized. Local stakeholders (including fishing communities, women's cooperatives and other grassroots organizations) are increasingly involved and trained.

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