The Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR) Implementation Hub: Delivering the Bonn Challenge

The project establishes a demand-responsive FLR Implementation Hub that supports countries with accelerating and scaling FLR implementation, to meet international targets and national goals on climate mitigation and adaptation, biodiversity, and reversing land degradation as part of the UN Decade on Restoration. It will support countries through grants, calls and tenders with implementing FLR at scale, to develop ready and investible FLR projects and programmes; coordinated investment preparation, technical assistance and mobilization of the private sector; capacity development and knowledge creation; and coherent and supporting policies and plans. By promoting FLR, the project provides multiple benefits to a wide range of stakeholders at all scales with nature-based solutions to recovery strategies post Covid-19, the promotion of healthy and resilient landscapes and communities, and generating green jobs.

Project data

Brazil, Colombia, Madagascar, Peru, Tanzania, Uganda
IKI funding
18,858,421.00 €
Included preparation phase
1,041,579.00 €
12/2023 till 11/2028
Implementing organisation
International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) - Switzerland
Political Partner
  • Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply (MAPA) - Brazil
  • Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MinAmbiente) - Colombia
  • Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development - Madagascar
  • Ministry of Water and Environment - Uganda
  • National Forest and Wildlife Authority (SERFOR) - Peru
  • Vice President’s Office (VPO) - Tanzania
Implementing Partner
  • World Resources Institute (WRI)
  • World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) International

State of implementation/results

  • Since January 2024:
    • Official project launch and start of coordination on the implementation phase of the project with local partners.
    • Finalization of work plans for the first year.
  • Mid 2024:
    • Planned operational launch of the Steering Committee, which will provide strategic guidance.

Latest Update:


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  • Follow-up project
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