Thai-German Cooperation on Energy, Mobility and Climate (TGC-EMC)
The project will support Thailand’s efforts to reach carbon neutrality by 2050. Focusing on the two most important sectors in terms of emissions, it will support the operationalisation of the power and transport’s transition through technology and knowledge transfer as well as policy, regulatory and business model development support. A clear focus will be put on sector coupling to encourage the tackling of issues shared across sectors which slow the energy transition. This cross sectoral support to implementation will also translate into city labs in which the technical, regulatory and business support will be operationalized along with local stakeholders in an urban set up and will integrate a scaling up plan. Finally, the project will provide significant support in the field of climate finance. The Thai Climate Finance Initiative (ThaiCI) will provide seed funding to a number of local projects along with capacity development to both the funder manager and potential recipients
- Countries
- Thailand
- IKI funding
- 26,000,000.00 €
- Duration
- 01/2022 till 12/2027
- Status
- open
- Implementing organisation
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
- Political Partner
- Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA)
- Department of Alternative Energy Development and Efficiency (DEDE) - Thailand
- Department of Climate Change and Environment (DCCE)
- Department of Energy Policy and Planning (DEPP / EPPO) - Thailand
- Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives - Thailand
- Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning - ONEP - Thailand
- Office of Transport and Traffic Policy and Planning (OTP) - Thailand
- Implementing Partner
- King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi (KMUTT)
- Agora Think Tanks gGmbH
- Agora Transport Transformation gGmbH
- CINES - Fraunhofer Cluster of Excellence Integrated Energy Systems CINES
- Electric Vehicle Association of Thailand (EVAT)
- Federation of Thai Industries
- School of Renewable Energy Technology & Smart Grid Technology (SGTech) - Thailand
State of implementation/results
- Project Steering Committee with Thai Governmental Partners has been established, consisting of Department of Climate Change and Environment (DCCE), Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning (ONEP), Energy Policy and Planning Office (EPPO), Department of Alternative Energy Development and Efficiency (DEDE), Office of Transport and Traffic Policy and Planning (OTP), Office of Agricultural Extension (OAE) and Bangkok Metropolitan Authority (BMA).
- Representatives from the Ministry of Energy, Ministry of Industry, and sector associations have been brought together during a study tour to Germany organised by TGC EMC to foster mutual understanding, inter-organisational collaboration and exchange on industry decarbonisation. An established working group will moreover guide and provide recommendations on industry decarbonisation and energy efficiency.
- Nakhon Sawan Province has been selected as one of the "City Labs" location for Biomass-to-Energy pilot and demonstration activities. The province’s strong potential lies in its vast rice and sugarcane cultivation, alongside the presence of potential biomass buyers, providing a solid foundation for a sustainable value chain. Other sites for “City Labs” are being assessed.
- The project co-hosted together with DCCE the Sustainable City Network Workshop on “Becoming a Low-Carbon City: Decarbonised Transport” with DCCE to examine transport challenges in different local areas, help identify problem statements and respective innovative solutions for application as potential pilot area for City Lab activities withing TGC EMC Mobility scope.
- To support the Thai Climate Initiative Fund, the project and ONEP jointly organised proposal development training workshops targeting SME hotels which are potential applicants for the ThaiCI first call for proposal. The aim is to enhance capacity of stakeholders in proposal development and ensure that the project design and proposal to be submitted are aligned with the criteria and standards following Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness and OECD/DAC.
- Capacity development measures have been carried out on different topics, including Carbon Credit Trading and Measurement, Reporting, and Verification (MRV) with the aim to address key challenges within partner organisations in applying effective methodologies and instruments to support Thailand’s carbon neutrality commitment. The measures target governmental partners in different sectors, including agriculture, transport, and energy.
- Specifically for the promotion of Electric Vehicle (EV) Ecosystem, knowledge sharing on “Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G)” and “Business Opportunities in the EV Ecosystem towards Decarbonisation” have been organised to provide insights to related stakeholders on the prospects and potentials for EV Ecosystem.
- The project contributed to the development of Thailand’s “Sustainable Battery Management Guidelines” by organising multistakeholder workshop to consult different stakeholders as a starting point for closing existing gaps regarding battery management regulation in Thailand.
- In July 2023, the Political Partner workshop with the Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning (ONEP) together with the sectoral political partners Energy Policy and Planning Office (EPPO), Office of Transport and Traffic Policy and Planning (OTP), Department of Alternative Energy Development and Efficiency (DEDE), Office of Agricultural Extension (OAE) and Bangkok Metropolitan Authority (BMA) has been conducted. Theimplementation of TGC EMC project as well as the Steering Structure of the programme were defined: (…).
- The ThaiCI Fund criteria for climate change projects have been developed and approved by the Environmental Fund Committee. In August 2023, the launching event of the ThaiCI Fund was organised aiming to provide information about the ThaiCI and its funding approach.
- ThaiCI and the Environmental Fund Division (EFD) successfully concluded a three-day workshop on "Implementation of Environmental and Social Safeguards and Gender and Social Inclusion in Project Management" on 1st September 2023. The collaboration enhanced EFD personnel's capacity to integrate these principles into climate change projects, aligning them with global standards. This ensures projects supported by the fund being socially and environmentally responsible while fostering inclusive and sustainable execution.
- The Department of Climate Change and Environment (DCCE), together with GIZ, inaugurated the project with the TGC EMC kick-off event on 20th October 2023. The event was attended by more than 200 participants including representatives from government agencies, academic institutions, international organisations, the private sector and the media.
- BMA LSE Study tour in cooperation with TGC EMC Transport in partnership with Transformative Urban Mobility Initiative (TUMI) and the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group co-hosted the Executive Education Programme ‘Leading Transport Transitions’ inviting deputy governor of Bangkok to participate in this program. The program commences on January 2024 with a combined digital learning platform, live virtual meetings, and in-person module in London to help city leaders transform urban mobility and enable sustainable transport transition.
- From 21st to 28th October 2023, TGC EMC Transport and the Thai-German Energy Dialog (TGED) co-hosted an EV study trip, inviting representatives from the Ministry of Energy and stakeholders from the Thai EV sector to a knowledge-sharing visit in Germany. The trip focused on EV battery life-cycle management, spanning from production to recycling, as well as EV charging infrastructure, as part of the TGC EMC project scope.
- On 25 January 2024, the Office of Economics (OAE) and TGC EMC Biomass jointly organized the 'Agriculture and Climate Change 101' knowledge management training. The event was designed to support the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives (MoAC) and its line departments in addressing the intersection of climate change and agriculture. Throughout the program, participants gained a deep understanding of COP28 implication, climate change operations, greenhouse gas reduction strategies, and key elements such as carbon credits, carbon footprints for agricultural products, and coping strategies for the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) measures. This training initiative equipped participants with valuable insights and tools to navigate the challenges of climate change in Thailand's agricultural sector effectively. In total the event was attended by more than 150 participants on site from 30 different organisations, with a further 110 participants joining online.
- 6th February 2024, the Royal Thai Embassy in Berlin and Agora Verkehrswende hosted a hybrid discussion event in Berlin on “Talking Transport Transformation: Electric Mobility in Thailand and Germany – Joining forces for climate-neutral mobility”. The event was co-hosted with the Embassy of Thailand in Germany with inputs from the Director of the Strategy and International Cooperation Division of DCCE on Thailand’s climate goals and strategies in the transport sector. The panel discussion highlighted the ramp-up of electric mobility and the opportunities for international cooperation in the form of joint initiatives that aim at promoting the transition towards climate-neutral transport. The panelists included the director of the TGC EMC as well as a representative from one of the project’s consortium partners, KMUTT.
Latest Update:
Project relations
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