Supporting International Mitigation and MRV Activities (IMMA)
The project supported the cooperation, exchange of ideas and practices, and development of expertise and capacities among members of the International Partnership for Mitigation and MRV (measurement, reporting and verification). To this end, it promoted networking and knowledge exchange among projects in the fields of emission reduction and MRV and supported the analysis and documentation of successful methods and instruments related to low emission development strategies (LEDS), nationally appropriate mitigation actions (NAMAs) and MRV systems. The information gathered was compiled in knowledge products and disseminated through the newsletter and website of the Partnership. Summer schools, workshops and peer-to-peer learning also enhanced the capacities and performance of the members of the Partnership. Knowledge generated by the network is fed into the UN climate negotiations.
- IKI funding
- 4,455,283.82 €
- Duration
- 01/2012 till 09/2016
- Status
- completed
- Implementing organisation
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
- Political Partner
- Diverse climate change relevant institutions in the respective partner countries/Diverse klimarelevante Institutionen in den entsprechenden Partnerländern
State of implementation/results
- Project completed.
- E-learning course on NAMA development was being offered via Global Campus 21.
- The website provides comprehensive continuously updated information on NAMA, LEDS, MRV, and Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs). It contains a comprehensive collection of resources (publications, tools, etc.) on these topics as well as an online data base with information on the respective projects. Users can subscribe to the mitigation newsletter via the Partnership website, which discusses current topics in climate policy with contributions from partner countries and projects. Additionally, there is a twitter channel (@Mitigation_MRV).
- Tools and training modules on LEDS, NAMA and MRV developed for the Partnership members and made available to them. Moreover, several knowledge products on INDCs were published, among others the INDC Webtool.
- Several technical workshops conducted in the regional groups (Africa, Asia, Francophone Cluster, and Latin America) – sometimes also together with other actors – during which experts from the public and private sectors exchanged ideas to learn from each other. Important topics were LEDS, NAMAs, and MRV, and since 2015 also particularly (I)NDCs.
- Four global Annual Partnership Retreats (formerly “Summer Schools”) held for the climate policy dialogue between climate negotiators and practitioners from over 30 countries with a focus on MRV/transparency and (I)NDCs. Key results and findings have been further developed and summarised in knowledge products and published on the website of the International Partnership for Mitigation and MRV
- Two editions of the „Good Practice Analysis“ (GPA) published in cooperation with UNDP: The GPA documents global good practices on topics in the area of climate change mitigation (NAMAs, LEDS, MRV, and INDCs), demonstrating replicable practical experiences and success factors. It now contains a total of 40 cases. The 2nd edition with 29 new cases was presented at COP21 in Paris.
Latest Update:
Project relations
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