Support for the Brazilian National Agenda for Sustainable Urban Development (ANDUS)

Urbanisation processes in Brazil are progressing rapidly, but the consequences are severe social disparities and environmental problems. The project supports federal, state and local stakeholders authorities in implementing strategies for integrated planning and in managing sustainable urban development. Mitigation and adaptation strategies, the urban-rural nexus and the importance of intact ecosystems as “green service providers” for cities are addressed. Existing regulations and instruments will be improved, expanded and tested in pilot measures. Approaches to integrated sustainable urban development are incorporated into government strategies, support programmes and funding lines. Training and dissemination concepts are intended to anchor these approaches in communities and local authorities. The German-Brazilian Urbanization Partnership also supports international learning and exchange processes.

Project data

IKI funding
7,000,000.00 €
07/2017 till 01/2025
Implementing organisation
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Political Partner
  • Ministry of Cities (MCidades) - Brazil
  • Ministry of Environment and Climate Change (MMA) - Brazil
Implementing Partner
  • Ministry of Cities (MCidades) - Brazil
  • Ministry of Environment and Climate Change (MMA) - Brazil

State of implementation/results

  • The ANDUS project uses a specially designed mentoring and peer learning concept to support and network 15 local actors throughout Brazil with technical knowledge. It is currently working on the following topics in three mentoring groups, each consisting of five actors:
    • Mentoring programme "Municipal land use planning for cities in Amazonia": The project selected five cities together with the Ministry of Cities (MCID) and the Ministry of Environment and Climate Protection (MMA): Belém (state of Pará), Brasiléia (Acre), Itapecuru Mirim (Maranhão), Palmas (Tocantins) and Porto Velho (Rondônia). They are each working on a relevant planning tool and adapting it to their local context in the Amazon region.
    • Mentoring programme "Sustainable waste management": Together with the National School of Public Administration (ENAP), the project supports five cities in making their waste management more sustainable. The cities were selected with a special focus on gender, social and territorial diversity: Pedra Branca do Amapari (Amapá) - North region; Francisco Morato (São Paulo) - South East region; Santiago (Rio Grande do Sul) - South region; Consortium of several municipalities in the Sertão do Inhamus (Ceará) - North East region Campo Grande (Mato Grosso do Sul) - Central West region.
    • Mentoring programme "Black Women for the Climate": Together with the Department for Urban Peripheries (slums, informal settlements, precarious areas) of the MCID, five social movements from the cities of Belém, Brasília, Belo Horizonte, Sao Paulo and Joao Pessoa were selected as part of the MCID's national programme "Caravana das Periferias" (Caravan of Peripheries). All five movements are female-led and are committed to climate, environment and sustainability in their communities. The women are now working together to develop their technical knowledge in these areas as well as political articulation.
  • The Amazon region is of strategic importance: through its activities, ANDUS supports the urban areas in the Amazon, promotes their representation at the COP30 in Belém and raises international awareness of the issue.…
  • The project supported the "Amazon Cities Forum". The result of the forum is the Belém Charter on priorities for sustainable urban development in the Amazon region, which was presented to President Lula and included in the final document.…
  • In cooperation with the Federation of Mayors (FNP) and the World Resources Institute Brasil, the project set up the "Coalition for Sustainable Urban Development in the Amazon Region". This was launched at COP28 in Dubai.
  • ANDUS supports the Ministry of Cities in its thematic contribution to the National Climate Adaptation Plan of the Ministry of Environment and thus provides important inputs for the Brazilian NDC.
  • ANDUS is supporting the Ministry of Environment in designing the national "Green Resilient Cities Programme", which makes it easier for cities to plan and finance sustainable urban development measures, particularly in peripheral areas.

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