Strengthening regional experiences on sustainable peatland management (ASEAN-REPEAT)
Tropical peatlands are valuable ecosystems for animal and plant species, and are one of the most efficient types of natural land-based carbon sinks. However, peatland loss is increasing as a result of non-sustainable management and drainage. This project financed successful approaches to sustainable peatland management and scaled these up regionally. The approaches were evaluated in pilot areas in Indonesia and Malaysia regarding their effectiveness and financial viability, building on these results to develop specific financing schemes, business models and fiscal policy recommendations. The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) was utilised to scale up the insights gained to the regional level and international negotiations. EU co-financing totalling EUR 14.6 million was used to support regional programme management by ASEAN and implementation in ASEAN member countries.
- Countries
- Indonesia, Malaysia
- IKI funding
- 4,000,000.00 €
- Duration
- 06/2018 till 01/2025
- Status
- completed
- Political Partner
- Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN)
- Implementing Partner
- ASEAN Secretariat
- Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) - Indonesia
- Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (NRE) - Malaysia*
State of implementation/results
- Project completed.
- Indonesia:
- The project has completed baseline studies at the pilot site in Aceh for land use (changes) and mapping of burnt areas, as well as the socio-economic assessment of the selected pilot villages. The results were discussed with the partners and the annual work plan was adjusted. In some peat swamp areas of the target region, more cooperation with the private sector is needed, as a high proportion of oil palm plantations are located on the peat swamp areas. When implementing the work plan, a special focus is placed on gender issues.
- Malaysia:
- ASEAN REPEAT is supporting two new projects in Malaysia with the Forestry Departments of Sabah (SFD) and Sarawak (FDS). The activities in Sarawak focus on biodiversity and participatory conservation of the peat swamp forests in the Simunjan Forest Reserve, which harbours many endemic species, such as iconic proboscis monkeys found only in Borneo. The reserve is largely surrounded by oil palm plantations and is under heavy deforestation pressure. The project aims to work with local communities to develop viable alternative livelihood options in harmony with the conservation of the reserve.
- The project on the Klias Peninsula, Beaufort, Sabah, focuses on setting up an integrated system for monitoring and preventing forest fires and raising awareness of peat moss among local communities.
- Another project with the Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM) aims to identify the economic value of the peat swamp forest ecosystems of Pahang through inventory and to increase it through sustainable management.
- Cambodia:
- The project is implemented by the Department of Freshwater Wetlands Conservation with a focus on peatland mapping and management, forest fire and emission control measures, and local capacity building.
- Lao PDR:
- The project, jointly implemented by IUCN and the Department of Water Resources of Lao PDR, focuses on the investigation of peatlands in specific wetlands, the improvement of the living conditions of local village communities and capacity building for the management of the areas. Following remote peatland mapping and a terrestrial inventory, some peatlands up to 5 meters deep were identified for the first time in Laos. To support the above-mentioned project measures, ASEAN REPEAT conducted a biodiversity survey in the central and southern peatland areas. Further nationwide peatland mapping under the EU Copernicus program.
- Representation of the international Peatland Initiative at UNFCCC-COP 26 in Glasgow with a peatland pavilion.
- In December 2021, ASEAN REPEAT organized a well-attended online seminar on risk assessment and control of forest and peat fires in Indonesia and… Further up-to-date information on SUPA/ASEAN REPEAT can be found on the project's social media presence on Facebook and Instagram.
- The ASEAN Peatland Management Strategy (2023-2030) was adopted in mid-2023.-- 109 participants from northern ASEAN member states were trained in 1) peatland policy and governance, 2) peatland ecosystem management and 3) peatland biodiversity assessment.-- At three events in the first half of 2023 in Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand, 84 participants from Southern ASEAN Member States shared their knowledge on peatland restoration.-- Launch of the ASEAN Coordinating Center for Transboundary Haze Pollution Control (ACC THPC.A study tour to European centers for forest and wildfire management in May 2023 served to strengthen cooperation between ASEAN and the EU and to operationalize the ACCTHPC.
- Expert knowledge exchange on fire management in Jakarta on 27 June 2023 with 28 participants from ASEAN countries and the ASEAN Secretariat.-- Peatlands in Vietnam's U Min Ha National Park and buffer zone with a total area of 34,000 hectares were mapped and a digital terrain model was developed to assess the peat dome structure in this area.-- 45 participants from the Indonesian Ministry of Environment and Forestry, the province and districts in Aceh were trained in the use of geographic information systems for peatland mapping.-- 20 members of SUPA pilot communities were trained in rearing Tringona honeybees in Aceh, and 30 members were trained in organic fertilizer production.-- 30 future employees of the firefighting unit in Aceh (Daops Manggala Agni) were trained in theory and practice in handling equipment and fighting forest and wildfires in Aceh.
- 40 residents of the priority pilot villages in Aceh province were trained in basic financial management and accounting.-- The final draft of the Peat Ecosystem Protection and Management Plan (RPPEG) for Aceh Province has been developed and is ready for final approval.-- Through the implementation of capacity development activities in local communities in the pilot region of Pahang, Malaysia, the capacity of women to support alternative "peatland friendly" sources of income and of farmers to start a local tree nursery business has been strengthened and expanded.-- At the end of July 2024, the final draft of the District Peatland Management Policy (RPPEG) - Aceh Barat and Nagan Raya - for the two pilot districts in Aceh, Indonesia was finalized and agreed with the Ministry of Forestry and Environment in September 2024.
- In August 2024, start construction of fifteen canal barriers (2 permanent and 13 semi-permanent) in the three hydrological units of the peatland area and the ten (10) priority villages of the pilot area in Aceh, Indonesia according to a water management concept supported by the project.-- Submission of a final draft of the National Peatland Action Plan for Thailand in September 2024.-- Workshop ASEAN Peatland Management Strategy 2023-2030 and Way Forward in Bangkok in August 2024.The representatives of the national AMS focal points agreed on a methodology for prioritizing, monitoring and progress reporting on the implementation of the various focal areas at the national level to the regional level.-- In Lao PDR, a draft National Action Plan for Peatlands (NAPP) has been developed and consultation rounds are required in September and October 2024 for the NAPP to be adopted, with support from the SUPA project.Similarly, a National Action Plan for Peatlands (NAPP) is being finalized in the Philippines and Thailand with the support of ASEAN REPEAT.
- Events:
- 06.-09.02.2023 1st SUPA Sub-Regional Knowledge Exchange - Promotion of a Knowledge Sharing Mechanism on Peatland Restoration and Rehabilitation in Southern ASEAN Member States Workshop…;
- 16.02.2023 Nationales Seminar über die Befähigung der Gemeinden zur nachhaltigen Torfbewirtschaftung, Aceh, Indonesien:…,…;
- Februar 2023 Schulung für die Waldbrandbekämpfer der Provinz Aceh (Manggala Agni) in Meulaboh…;
- März 2023 Zweiter subregionaler Wissensaustausch - Förderung eines Mechanismus zum Wissensaustausch über die Wiederherstellung und Sanierung von Torfgebieten in der südlichen AMS Workshop,…;
- 27.03.2023 Drittes Treffen der Task Force für die Entwicklung des neuen APMS…;
- 28.-29.03.2023 Präsentation des Arbeitsplans vor den Bezirksregierungen von Aceh Barat und Nagan Raya…;
- 29.-31.03.2023 Training on Enhancing Peatland Policies and Governance for Northern ASEAN Member States…;
- 04.-07.04.2023 Introducing Peatland Ecosystems and Sustainable Management in Pakse, Lao PDR…;
- 18.05.2023 Six participants from Indonesia and Malaysia attended the 8th International Conference on Forest Fires in Porto, Portugal, May 16-19, 2023 under the auspices of SUPA and reported on the challenges of forest and peatland fires in ASEAN.…;
- 22.05.-01.06.2023 Study tour and technical exchange on forest and land fires - management for future EU - ASEAN cooperation www.facebook. com/SUPAinASEAN/posts/pfbid02Vd6v7NZD8TPWKaodgQyXFcVHB64LSPDaKErgy3vkcUnWuMRUBjvtKXfvu5LEFWGnl,…;
- 13.-16.06. 2023 Biodiversity Assessment on Peatland for Northern ASEAN Countries Cambodia, Lao PDR, and Viet Nam, www.;
- 22.-23.06.2023 Workshops and focus group discussions to finalize the Aceh Peatland Ecosystem Protection and Management Plan (RPPEG) for the two SUPA pilot districts in Aceh: Aceh Barat and Nagan Raya…;
- 27.06.2023 Follow-up workshop on forest and land fire management for future cooperation between EU and ASEAN to support the operationalization of the ACC THPC…;
- 27.06.2023 Follow Up Workshop on Forest and Land Fire Management for Future Cooperation of EU-ASEAN to Support Operationalisation of ACC THPC…;
- 18.07.2023 Fifth Meeting of the Programme Steering Committee (PSC) for the Sustainable Use of Peatland and Haze Mitigation in ASEAN (SUPA)…;
- 24.08.2023 Handover Ceremony of the Signed EA ACCTHPC (the establishment of ACCTHPC in Indonesia will be supported by SUPA Component 1)…;
- 05.09.2023 Launch des ASEAN Coordinating Centre for Transboundary Haze Pollution Control (ACC THPC) in Indonesia,…,…
- You can find more up-to-date information about SUPA/ASEAN REPEAT on the project's social media pages on Facebook and Instagram.
Latest Update:
Further links
- EU Project information about SUPA Project
- EU Project Website (co-financing agency)
- EU-Information on Peatland Protection
- July 2024: value chain development for three priority commodities of SUPA pilot site: field trip to Kuta Padang, Desa Pange, and Makarti Jaya and a one day workshop
- Empowering Sustainable Peatland Management
- “An Adventure in the Peatlands” comic book (English)
- “Petualangan di Lahan Gambut” buku komik (Bahasa Indonesia)
- Booklet “Implementation of Desa Mandiri Peduli Gambut in Aceh” (Bahasa Indonesia)
- SUPA Pilot Site Video (long)
- Peatland and Mangrove in Aceh Video
- SUPA Pilot Site Video Short (1 Minute)
- 6th PSC Meeting of SUPA
- Instragram
Project relations
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