Sino-German Environmental Partnership (SGEP) Phase III

In the context of slowing economic growth and recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, China's 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-2025) aims to achieve green development and harmony between humans and nature. This project supports China in designing an effective environmental and nature conservation governance system to promote the transformation towards a low-carbon economy in line with the climate goals recently set by the Chinese government. This will be done by exchanging experiences, providing advice and facilitating research and technical cooperation on prevention and control of environmental pollution, sustainable consumption and production, cooperation on biodiversity, and further topics derived from the environmental and nature conservation dialogue. The project strengthens institutional and individual capacities and makes an overall contribution to achieving the Paris Agreement, the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda as well as to the implementation of the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework.

Project data

IKI funding
5,000,000.00 €
05/2022 till 04/2027
Implementing organisation
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Political Partner
  • Ministry of Ecology and Environment - China
Implementing Partner
  • China Council for International Cooperation (CCICED) - China
  • Foreign Economic Cooperation Office (FECO) - China

State of implementation/results

  • The project supports a wide range of work streams of bilateral dialogue between the Ministry of Ecology and Environment of the People’s Republic of China (MEE) and the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) and their affiliated institutions, including the German Environment Agency (UBA), the German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN), and the Foreign Environmental Cooperation Center of MEE (FECO). In 2024, the project started to support dialogues between the National Reform and Development Commission (NDRC) and the European Union (EU) on circular economy, co-funded by the EU.
  • Beyond these dialogue formats, the project will carry out exchanges and training measures at MEE over the coming two years in the fields of biodiversity conservation, reduction of plastic pollution and marine litter, and management of chemicals.
  • The project manages and coordinates the German contribution to the China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development (CCICED), the multilateral environmental advisory council of the Chinese government. The German experts active in CCICED advise on the topics of digitalization and green technologies, circular economy, as well as gender.
  • UBA and Nankai University lead a Special Policy Study (SPS) on “Digital-Green Dual Transformation and Sustainable Development of Cities”. The SPS is co-led by Prof. Dirk Messner, President of UBA and council member of CCICED. The objective of this SPS is to summarize the practical experience to empower sustainable urban development through digital and green technologies and services.
  • To anchor Germany's engagement on the topic of circular economy within the framework of CCICED, BMUV implemented a Scoping Study on circular economy (led by Ilka Hirt, Deputy Director General for International Policy at BMUV and Special Advisor to CCICED). The objective of the study is to explore various aspects of circular economy in the context of China, deliver first policy recommendations, and to lay the ground for an SPS in the following year.
  • In the context of the CCICED studies, two delegation tours to Europe were organised. From 04.06.-13.06.2024, a tour to Germany on circular economy was carried out for a delegation from CCICED and MEE. From 23.07.-27.07.2024, a tour to Vienna and Helsinki was organized for the research team of the SPS co-led by Prof. Dirk Messner.
  • The 7th Sino-German Environment Forum (01.-02.11.2023, Taicang) was opened by Federal Environment Minister Steffi Lemke and her Chinese counterpart Minister Huang Runqiu. The project supported the organization of the forum together with the IKI global project "Strategic Environmental Dialogues".

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