Sino-German Climate Partnership and Cooperation on Renewable Energies

The aim of the project was to promote bilateral dialogue with China on climate protection and the transformation to a low-carbon economy. It was the continuation of a previous project and provided support to the bilateral climate working group led by the NDRC and BMU. The policy dialogue was underpinned by a range of measures such as training activities and policy advising on issues agreed upon within the climate working group. In addition, the project was supplemented by a specific dialogue on decentralised energy production and supply based on renewable energies (RES). The aim was to improve the legal and institutional framework for decentralised RES and to support their use in Chinese cities. German industry, municipal representatives and other key players from Germany have been integrated into the project’s implementation process. In addition, the project promoted greater involvement by China in the international dialogue on renewable energies (e.g. within the context of IRENA).

Project data

IKI funding
4,500,000.00 €
04/2014 till 09/2017
Implementing organisation
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH - China
Political Partner
  • National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) - China
  • National Energy Administration (NEA) - China
Implementing Partner
  • China National Renewable Energy Center (CNREC)
  • National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) - China

State of implementation/results

  • The project promoted a bilateral dialogue with China on climate protection and transformation to a low carbon economy. It was the continuation of the first phase and supported in this framework the bilateral German-Chinese Working Group on Climate Protection (Klima-AG) under the leadership of BMUB and NDRC.
  • The policy dialogue has been underpinned by activities such as training measures and policy advice on the topics agreed on at the Klima-AG. The project was also supplemented by a specific dialogue on decentralized energy generation and supply from renewable energies (RE). The aim was to improve the legal and institutional framework for decentralized RE and to support its application in Chinese cities
  • The 8th meeting of the Klima-AG took place on 30 June 2017 in Berlin. Representatives of the Climate Protection Department of the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) and the German Federal Environment Ministry (BMUB) agreed to develop a roadmap for German-Chinese cooperation on climate change, as well as to develop a feasibility study on the potential for cooperation on climate change in other developing countries (South-South-Cooperation). The measures will be implemented within the framework of the next project phase of the German-Chinese Climate partnership in close coordination with the BMUB and the NDRC.
  • On the sidelines of the Klima-AG, further discussions were held with stakeholders in Berlin on experiences with adaptation to climate change, climate risk management and development cooperation.
  • In cooperation with the Fraunhofer Consortium and the three Chinese pilot cities of Dunhuang (Gansu Province), Jiaxing-Xiuzhou District (Zhejiang Province) and Xintai (Shandong Province), the so-called Sino-German New Energy Demonstration Cities, energy concepts were presented at a dissemination event on 26 July 2017 to more than 200 representatives from politics, business, science and civil society. In addition to the presence of high-ranking representatives of the NEA, the great interest by more than 50 representatives of local governments from a total of 28 Chinese provinces and cities showed the great interest in the results of the almost two-year process for the development of urban energy concepts. In addition, a large number of experts from research facilities, think tanks, universities and companies participated in the workshop. The energy concepts can be downloaded from the official website of NEA's New Energy City Program. By 25 August 2017, the site had already received more than 1,500 visits.
  • In order to promote the establishment of a dialogue platform for Chinese cities promoting local climate protection, the project supports the development of the official website of NEA with content. On the website, which is run by the implementation partner China National Renewable Energy Center (CNREC), 28 articles on exemplary German examples of the development and implementation of energy and climate protection concepts as well as corresponding promotion mechanisms (including the National Climate Protection Initiative, KfW promotion programs) have been published. At the same time CNREC makes the articles accessible to a broader specialist audience on social media (WeChat). For further dissemination core results were also prepared in a brochure.

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