Scaling-up Ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) measures in rural Latin America
Latin American countries are severely affected by impacts of climate change and associated extreme weather events. The project increases the resilience of vulnerable communities and ecosystems in rural areas of the partner countries. To this end, it develops and implements proven, innovative and cost-effective EbA approaches in different ecosystems. It also strengthens the capacity of a wide range of actors, including national and local government and civil society organisations, the private sector, service providers and rural communities. It also embeds EbA practices into the revised NDCs, sectoral plans and national adaptation plans to better achieve national adaptation goals. The project ensures long-term impact in partner countries through, among other things, the (further) development of innovative financial instruments and products, improved governance and knowledge exchange.
- Countries
- Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala
- IKI funding
- 20,000,000.00 €
- Included preparation phase
- 555,700.00 €
- Duration
- 11/2020 till 07/2026
- Status
- open
- Implementing organisation
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
- Political Partner
- Diverse climate change relevant institutions in the respective partner countries/Diverse klimarelevante Institutionen in den entsprechenden Partnerländern
- Ministry of Environment - Ecuador
- Ministry of Environment and Energy (MINAE) - Costa Rica
- Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (MARN) - Guatemala
- Implementing Partner
- International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) - Switzerland
- Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center (CATIE) - Costa Rica
- Online
State of implementation/results
- Costa Rica, Ecuador and Guatemala:
- More than 300 leaders were trained to facilitate multi-sector and multi-level negotiation spaces, contributing to the replication of good practices and participatory decision making to up-scale the implementation of EbA measures.
- EbA measures have been implemented by vulnerable land users on ~2,500 ha of land and more than US $ 3.4 million were leveraged from public and private institutions for scaling up EbA.
- More than 60 participants from a broad range of governmental institutions took part in Climate Finance Trainings (CLIFIT) aiming at strengthening capacities to access international finance for adaptation.
- 42 women were trained by the Cacao Farmer Field School on improving yield efficiency and resilience to climate change for vulnerable communities and ecosystems.
- Representatives of Manabí's Decentralized Autonomous Governments at provincial, municipal and parish levels were trained on key aspects for scaling-up gender responsive EbA in planning instruments.
- Workshops were held to strengthen effective multi-level governance and strategic planning for the inclusion of EbA in planning instruments of the Departmental Environmental Commission and the National Environmental Commission of the Urban and Rural Development Council System.
- Support of the National Council of Protected Areas in developing the country position for CBD COP 16, establishing NBSAP goals and indicators related to water resource protection.
- 137 women leaders participated in information and knowledge exchange on ancestral agroforestry practices in Quiché.
- 50 decision makers shared lessons learned and good practices to scale up EbA actions at local and national level.
- 27 representatives (74% women) of 15 municipalities received training in gender and climate change adaptation.
- Multi-stakeholder planning process with local decision makers are being facilitated by EbA LAC to develop integrated landscape plans and budget plans to scale up horizontally innovative EbA measures. The Sarapiqui watershed plan was adopted by the Commission for the Sustainable Development of the Sarapiquí River Basin.
- The programme has created and piloted decision support tools for upscaling and mainstreaming EbA measures. To promote scaling up of EbA approaches tools and lessons learned will be disseminated through the National Biocorridor Programme. Guidance material on integrating EbA in watershed management was developed.
- EbA LAC supports the development banking sector to increase and tailor adaptation finance to small and medium enterprises, to contribute climate adaptation solutions and biodiversity conservation.
- At the AdaptACTIVA Business Fair, 25 rural entrepreneurs, recipients of seed capital for resilient businesses, presented their products to actors from the financial and commercial sector, boosting the networking of their businesses, while benefitting from joint learning spaces.
Latest Update:
Further links
- Factsheet of the project
- Video: Rodolfo Segura - Emprendedor Adapt-Activa (ES)
- Press release: Training with a gender perspective, Ecuador
- Article: Cooperation between IUCN & Fundecor within the frame of the EbA-LAC project
- Video: EbA LAC - Ecuador
- Video: Necesitamos actuar juntos YA: Estrategia AbE (ES)
- Video: Necesitamos actuar juntos YA: personas se preparan para enfrentar el cambio climático con AbE (ES)
- Video: ¿Qué son las medidas de adaptación basadas en ecosistemas? – Guatemala (ES)
- Video: Historias de mujeres realizan acciones adaptación al cambio climático (ES)
Project relations
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