Resource efficiency and climate protection initiative
Emerging economies experience strong industrial growth causing increased resource consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. The project supported emerging G20 economies in developing resource efficiency measures and strategies to improve climate protection. To this end, it strengthened the competencies and capacities of key stakeholders in the public and private sector and promoted the exchange of knowledge and experience with and between G20 emerging economies. The target countries were advised on the identification and development of their potential for resource efficiency and greenhouse gas reduction. The resulting strategies and programmes contributed to the implementation of the NDCs (nationally determined contributions). In cooperation with the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, the project supported the inclusion of resource efficiency and climate protection in international dialogue processes, especially in the context of G20.
- Countries
- Argentina, Indonesia, Mexico
- IKI funding
- 3,000,000.00 €
- Duration
- 09/2017 till 02/2021
- Status
- completed
- Implementing organisation
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
- Political Partner
- Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT) - Mexico
- Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development - Argentina*
- State Ministry of National Development Planning (BAPPENAS) - Indonesia
- Implementing Partner
- United Nations Environment Programme (UN Environment)
- United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) - Indonesia
State of implementation/results
- Project completed.
- Training measures with key players from politics, business and science in Mexico, Argentina and Indonesia with a total of 150 participants have created awareness and capacities for the use of resource efficiency potentials. The events were supported by the Federal Environment Agency, the International Resource Panel and the German Center for Resource Efficiency.
- In Argentina, Mexico and Indonesia, a classroom training on resource efficiency was carried out for SMEs, local trainer pools were set up per country and 135 company representatives were trained (e.g. the textile and food industry). In addition, the training course was carried out as an online training with over 200 participants and is accessible via the knowledge portal Green Industry Platform:…
- Discussions on the quantifiable contribution of resource efficiency to climate protection have intensified. A study carried out by the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research Heidelberg developed an easy-to-use methodological approach to quantify the potential of resource efficiency measures for reducing GHG-emissions.
- In Argentina, dialogues supported by the project between entrepreneurs and the Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of Economics have contributed to a common understanding of which policy measures to promote industrial resource protection are expedient. A developed online check enables companies to assess their contributions to resource and climate protection. In addition, a manual on resource efficiency for SMEs was developed with business associations.
- Argentina has been working with the UN Environment Program since 2020 on a national strategy for sustainable consumption and production. As a contribution to this, the project financed a hotspot analysis for Argentina's food sector. The analysis identifies priority environmental pollution hotspots from unsustainable production on the basis of environmental, social and trade data and provides political decision-makers with a data basis for readjusting national SCP and climate policy.
- A study on resource efficiency potentials of priority economic sectors in the Mexican state of Guanajuato provided an important basis for anchoring resource efficiency in the government program. In addition, the study set in motion a dialogue between the public and the corporate sector to promote resource efficiency. The study is complemented by a analysis that shows the benefits resource efficiency can offer Mexican SMEs. A handbook on resource efficiency and climate protection developed with the Mexican Ministry of the Environment gives them advice on how to implement resource efficiency measures.
- In Indonesia, the Ministry of the Environment is pursuing the goal of integrating resource efficiency into other policy areas and establishing a dialogue with economic sectors. The project helped to take stock of the strategies and regulations for resource efficiency and to formulate policy recommendations for further steps. Furthermore, a snapshot of the stance of the private sector on the need for capacity development for resource efficiency was investigated as the basis for a public-private dialogue series. A training course for environmental auditors in the textile sector was commissioned and developed through UNIDO's Indonesia which conveys resource efficiency standards and measures for sustainability assessments.
- A four-day study trip for 25 key players from the private and public sectors from eleven emerging countries in November 2018 offered a platform for knowledge exchange and networking. The visit to the European Resource Forum connected the participants to the international debate.
- Cities are playing an increasingly important role in the resource-efficient management of material flows. With the support of the project, the UN Environment Programme has published a regional report for Latin America on the material footprint of cities and strategies for intelligent material flow management, which shows new ways for resource-efficient circular economy at the municipal level.
Latest Update:
Further links
- Short online course on resource efficiency for SMEs, Part 1: The Business Case for Resource Efficiency
- Short online course on resource efficiency for SMEs, Part 2: The Resource Efficiency Roadmap for Businesses
- Short online course on resource efficiency for SMEs, Part 3: Strategies, Measures, and Realworld Experience
- Online-seminar series on resource efficiency, Part 1: Building resilient supply chains through resource efficiency
- Online-seminar series on resource efficiency, Part 2: Exploring the future of green buildings and construction
- Online-seminar series on resource efficiency, Part 3: Rebuilding Better: New materials and systems for resource efficient SMEs
- Regional report “The Weight of Cities in Latin America and the Caribbean: Future Resource Requirements and Potential Courses of Action” (in Spanish)
- Executive summary of the regional report “The Weight of Cities in Latin America and the Caribbean: Future Resource Requirements and Potential Courses of Action” (in Spanish)
- UN Environment press release on the regional report “The Weight of Cities in Latin America and the Caribbean: Future Resource Requirements and Potential Courses of Action”
- Factsheet "Resource Efficiency trainings for SMEs in Mexico"
- Factsheet "Training course on Resource Efficiency for SMEs"
- Factsheet "Resource efficiency and circular economy measures in companies in Argentina"
- Factsheet "Resource efficiency in the fashion industry in Guanajuato/Mexico"
- Factsheet "Business outlook on Resource Efficiency in Indonesia"
- Factsheet "Resource efficiency potentials for climate mitigation along the value chain"
- Factsheet "Online-seminar series on Resource Efficiency"
- Factsheet "Study tour: International exchange and networking for Resource Efficiency for G20 emerging economies"
- Factsheet "Resource Efficiency Guidebook for SMEs (Argentina and Mexico)"
- Handbook "Introducción a la Eficiencia de Recursos en PyMEs (Argentina)" (in Spanish)
- Handbook "Guía introductoria de eficiencia de recursos y acción climática para PYMES (Mexico)" (in Spanish)
Project relations
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Related Publications
10/ 2018 | Guideline
Resource Efficiency in Infrastructure and Buildings
Englisch | English (PDF, 3 MB)