Reducing emissions in Chile by promoting the use of combined heat and power plants in industry and commerce

Combined heat and power (CHP) plants are an efficient technology and have potential in Chile. However, their use has been rare until now. A completed pilot project has demonstrated a successful potential use case in public hospitals. To expand CHP technology into the industry, commerce and public facilities, specialised expertise, improved regulatory frameworks and skilled local experts, as well as an improved awareness among public and private investors is necessary. The current project was advising relevant contacts on approaches to build up expertise and resources while setting up a CHP Centre of Excellence and supporting implementation work. The ultimate aim was to reduce Chile’s greenhouse gas emissions footprint. Insights gained in the project will be shared with neighbouring countries.

Project data

IKI funding
3,800,000.00 €
09/2015 till 03/2022
Implementing organisation
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Political Partner
  • Ministry of Energy - Chile
Implementing Partner
  • Chilean Agency for Energy Efficiency - ACHEE

State of implementation/results

  • Project completed.
  • Development of a handbook on CHP and innovative concepts.
  • Work on re-powering existing CHP plants.
  • Consultancy for a regional dissemination programme to promote CHP and energy efficiency in the Magallanes region.
  • Publication of an online tool to identify the potential for energy efficiency and CHP on the homepage of the Ministry of Energy.
  • Organisation of workshops on CHP and energy efficiency, training programme for "Industrial Energy Manager" and other training measures.
  • Preparation of a potential study on CHP in the real estate sector and a study on suitable contract models for energy supplier contracting for the operation of CHP plants.
  • Creation of a CHP e-learning course.
  • Execution of measurements for the evaluation of CHP projects in Chilean companies and elaboration of improvement potentials.
  • Development of a dimensioning software for the design of combined heat, power and cooling plants.
  • Agreement with the regional government of the province of Maule for the development of CHP projects in connection with district heating networks.
  • Drafting of a Chilean law for the promotion of district heating networks in connection with CHP.
  • Market research and registration of suppliers of CHP plants in Chile on the energy register of the energy sustainability agency AgenciaSE,(

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