Proliferation of sustainable consumption and production (SCP) in Asia – the next 5 countries (SCP Outreach)
In recent years, sustainable public procurement and environmental labelling have become increasingly important in South-eastern Asia. Aided by Thailand, the project supported the development and implementation of environmental labels, as well as sustainable consumption and production patterns in five developing Asian countries. It was geared to country-specific needs and focused on strengthening institutions, specialist training courses, knowledge transfer and integrated solutions at regional level. The project also supported trans-national knowledge sharing events and stakeholder meetings to define core criteria for eco-labelling and Green Public Procurement (GPP) in the ASEAN Economic Community. It also supported the partner institutions in integrating climate-friendly and low-carbon criteria into eco-labels and analysed international best practices in the field of GPP to this end.
- Countries
- Bhutan, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Viet Nam, Sri Lanka
- IKI funding
- 5,000,000.00 €
- Duration
- 03/2020 till 12/2024
- Status
- completed
- Implementing organisation
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
- Political Partner
- Gross National Happiness Centre
- Ministry of Environment (MoE) - Cambodia
- Ministry of Environment - Sri Lanka
- Ministry of Finance - Laos
- Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MoNRE) - Thailand
- Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation - Myanmar
- Vietnam Environment Administration (VEA)
- Implementing Partner
- Bhutan Standard Bureau (BSB)
- Ministry of Environment (MoE) - Cambodia
- Ministry of Finance - Bhutan
- Ministry of Finance - Laos
- Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MoNRE) - Thailand
- Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation - Myanmar
- Vietnam Environment Administration (VEA)
State of implementation/results
- Project completed.
- The project started in March 2020 and has been extended until December 2024. As part of the extension, Sri Lanka was included in the project and Myanmar suspended due to the military coup.
- The project is a trilateral project with the aim of actively involving Thailand in its implementation, which is why a project steering committee meets regularly under the leadership of the Thai Pollution Control Department. Cooperation with Thai institutions has been concretised through various training courses and other capacity-building activities.
- At project level, a meeting of the Project Advisory Board (PAB) is held every six months.
- As part of the project, legislative changes to public procurement law and standard tender documents were developed and adopted in Bhutan, Laos and now in Vietnam.
- In addition, Bhutan and Laos are in the process of introducing a national Type 1 eco-label.
- All countries have developed action plans for sustainable public procurement.
- Based on life cycle hotspot analyses, products were selected in all countries and environmental criteria developed that will serve sustainable public procurement in the future.
- The project is currently developing an e-learning course on sustainable public procurement and has published a barrier analysis on sustainable public procurement and ecolabelling.
- At the end of August 2022, a regional conference was held on the topics of product longevity and the experiences of implementation in Germany; a further conference is planned for the end of 2024.
Latest Update:
Project relations
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