Operationalising Green Economy Transition in Africa

Green Economy is increasingly recognized as the vehicle to put Africa on a low carbon, resource efficient development path. African governments are seeking advice on how to benefit from it. The project goal was to bridge the gap between national strategies and local level decision making towards low-carbon and resource efficient development. In the end, a tool has been developed which (1) opens up the potential of an area regarding resource use and (2) provides action plans for resource efficiency and job creation. The application of the tool should in the long-run result in a better adapted economic development regarding sustainable growth.

Project data

Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Mozambique, Rwanda
IKI funding
2,782,543.58 €
02/2014 till 05/2018
Implementing organisation
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Political Partner
  • Environmental Protection Agency - Ghana
  • Ethiopian Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) - Ethiopia
  • Ministry of Environment and Mineral Resources - Kenya
  • Ministry of Land and Environment - Mozambique
  • Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA)
Implementing Partner
  • Environmental Protection Agency - Ghana
  • Ethiopian Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) - Ethiopia
  • Ministry of Environment and Mineral Resources - Kenya
  • Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA)
  • United Nations Environment Programme (UN Environment) - Kenya

State of implementation/results

Project finished

  • Assessment reports of all partner countries prepared including evaluation of the subnational planning, budgeting and implementation capacities and the existing legal framework.
  • Implementation of capacity-building measures at local, regional and national levels to enable decision-makers for the implementation of green economy strategies. --Toolkit on Green Economy Planning with over 200 tools, case studies and methodologies covering 10 sectors.
  • 5 Nationally-adapted step-by-step guides for green economy planning developed.
  • Guide on Conducting Natural Capital Assessments at the Sub-National level Developed and 30 government representatives and exerts trained.
  • Green economy plans developed and/or green economy approach mainstreamed into the development plans of 15 pilot regions.
  • 3 national planning guidelines developed/revised to include the green economy approach (Ghana, Kenya, Ethiopia).
  • Strategy for web-based knowledge management platform to disseminate lessons learned and for relevant actors to exchange experience.

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