New solar thermal power plant in Ouarzazate under Moroccan solar plan

The project supported Morocco with the implementation of its national energy strategy. As the installation of solar power plants required considerable financial resources and, in addition, a lack of knowledge and skills hinders Moroccan companies and research institutions to introduce innovative solar technologies, the project supported the government through a close link between the financial and technical cooperation: KfW provided low-interest loans to build solar power plants. The GIZ project supported the development of necessary knowledge and skills in the field of climate-friendly solar technologies (with an emphasis on CSP technologies). The aim was to strengthen the Moroccan public and private sectors in the area of solar technologies. Since the end of 2016, two new working packages added support in the fields of market development and application of RE and EE technologies and supported political decision-making via macro-economic modelling and knowledge exchange.

Project data

IKI funding
12,000,000.00 €
Included preparation phase
125,000.00 €
10/2013 till 12/2018
Implementing organisation
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Political Partner
  • Ministry of Energy, Mines, Water and Environment (MEMEE) - Morocco*
Implementing Partner
  • Ministry of Energy, Mines, Water and Environment (MEMEE) - Morocco*

State of implementation/results

Project completed.

  • Trainer training for the photovoltaic, solar thermal, biogas, wind power and energy efficiency subsectors was a high priority, in addition to equipping the centre with didactic material.
  • In March 2017, a study trip for Moroccan experts to Germany on the topic of biomethanisation was organised as part of the project.
  • Since autumn 2017, the IFMEREE education and training centre, which specialises in renewable energies and energy efficiency, has been offering the first technician course "Biogas" for 20 students.
  • In 2018, the DKTI project strongly supported the new research department of the RE agency Masen. Through the targeted funding of the Masen research site at the solar location Ouarzazate as well as through the initiated cooperation with DLR, the newly established research team of Masen has significantly expanded its competences and is now in a position to accompany the further development of large-scale RE plants and thus one of the priority development policy goals in the energy sector of the country through applied research.

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