Nature for Health Multi-Partner Trust Fund

Environmental and animal health are key determinants of human health, yet the underlying thinking of this “One Health” approach has not yet been mainstreamed in public health. The project tackles this gap and makes a contribution to a global understanding of “One Health” and for an effective, integrated implementation of the approach, specifically with the prevention of future pandemics in mind. The project supports building an evidence-base matched with action on the ground to mitigate risks and prevent zoonotic risks. The project will conduct “One Health fitness” policy assessments and provide cross-sector policy (e.g. environmental, health, land use, etc.) guidance for the creation and implementation of “One Health” approaches. These results will be achieved through partnerships on international, regional, national and local levels, and through inclusive co-creation processes involving key stakeholders.

Project data

IKI funding
50,000,000.00 €
12/2021 till 12/2030
Implementing organisation
Multi-Partner Trust Fund Office
Implementing Partner
  • EcoHealth Alliance
  • International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) - Switzerland
  • Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (SCBD) - Canada
  • UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre (WCMC)
  • United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
  • United Nations Environment Programme (UN Environment)
  • World Health Organization (WHO)
  • World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE)

State of implementation/results

  • All NUNO partners (EHA and IUCN) signed N4H Framework agreement and Financing Agreement respectively in November 2023.
  • Five out of six N4H partners submitted their Scoping ProDocs, received the funds and kicked off their scoping projects (Ghana/EHA, Mongolia/WOAH, Vietnam/IUCN, Zambia/UNEP and Ecuador/UNDP).
  • N4H six country updates are as follows:
    • Ghana/EHA: After EHA and University of Ghana (UG) met with key stakeholders to plan out scoping activities, they held project sensitization meetings with Ministry of Environment, Science, Technology, and Innovation and WHO and UNDP country offices. In February, the first scoping workshop was held in Kumasi with 30 participants including government representatives from wildlife and forestry, veterinary services, public health, disaster management, and environmental protection, and nongovernmental stakeholders including livestock and poultry farming associations and several community members who work across the bushmeat value chain. Two facilitators have been brought on to support the core team. Preparations continue for three more workshops in March-May 2024.
    • Mongolia/WOAH: the Scoping ProDoc was approved in December, and a kick off workshop was held in Ulaanbaatar with 57 participants, representing animal health, environment, human health, and One Health sectors to introduce the scoping objectives and present systems thinking methodologies. Two more workshops were held in January and February with 39 and 41 participants respectively, to have in-depth discussion and analyse the situation in Mongolia, to prioritize key activities and identify potential solutions for the main issue of concern.
    • Vietnam/IUCN: IUCN held the first scoping workshop on 31 January, inviting Vietnam One Health Partnership, CITES Authority, Department of Animal Health, Ministry of Public Health, Ministry of Environment, UNDP, UNEP, GIZ, WWF, Save Vietnam’s Wildlife, Vietnam One Health University Network, TRAFFIC, Wildlife Conservation Society, FAO, French agricultural research and international cooperation organization, and Center for Conservation and Development. TOR for a working group to support the scoping work is under development.
    • Zambia/UNEP: the Scoping ProDoc was approved in December 2023. UNEP hired two consultants to support the scoping work and will hold an inception meeting on 26-27 March in Lusaka – Zambia National One Health Institute has invited 50 stakeholders.
    • Ecuador/UNDP: UNDP Ecuador, PAHO Ecuador, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Environment, Water and Ecological Transition, and IUCN, has jointly developed the Scoping ProDoc, which was approved in January 2024. The document outlines the scope of work to be undertaken in the country, with a primary focus on supporting the development and reinforcement of regulatory, institutional, and technical strategies to address existing gaps in the prevention, detection, response, and recovery of zoonotic disease risks in Ecuador. TOR for a multidisciplinary team is under development.-- Rwanda/WHO: the Scoping ProDoc is under development with Minister of Health, Minister of Environment and national stakeholders.
  • SC Meetings held in September and November 2023 and February 2024; TAG meeting held in September 2023; monthly partner calls held to ensure regular communication, coordination and knowledge sharing.
  • SC TOR was revised and endorsed by the SC in February 2024 to provide clarity around SC Chair rotation, nomination and attendance, decision-making and observers.The Implementation ProDoc template was developed in the Gateway, administered by MPTFO. Finalisation is in progress with the Gateway manager.
  • Developed and provide partners with the scoping report template.

Latest Update:


  • Current Project
  • Previous project
  • Follow-up project
  • Topic
  • Country selection

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