Morgenstadt Global Smart Cities Initiative: Global approach - local solutions

Smart and sustainable urban development is one of the main solutions for climate change adaptation and the efficient use of resources. However, the sectoral approaches to sustainable urban development have resulted in very different assessments of investment priorities and local needs. The Initiative used the “City Lab” methodology to develop integrated strategies and roadmaps for sustainable urban development in the selected pilot cities. Based on an analysis of local development demands, replicable, viable solutions and strategies were generated and implemented. Local partners were supported by the exchange of knowledge in the international innovation network “Morgenstadt: City Insights”and sustainably strengthened through targeted capacity building in the Indian, Mexican and Peruvian pilot cities.

Project data

India, Mexico, Peru
IKI funding
3,616,460.95 €
12/2018 till 06/2023
Implementing organisation
Universität Stuttgart - Deutschland
Political Partner
  • City of Saltillo - Mexico
  • Government of Kerala, Local Self Government (DC) Department - India
  • Ministry of Environment (MINAM) - Peru
Implementing Partner
  • Centre for Heritage, Environment and Development (C-HED)
  • Frankfurt School of Finance & Management gGmbH
  • Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e.V.
  • Instituto Municipal de Planeación Saltillo (IMPLAN)
  • Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (ITESM)
  • National Institute of Urban Affairs (NIUA)
  • Regional Governments of Piura - Peru
  • University of Piura (UDEP)

State of implementation/results

  • Project completed.
  • In the project´s final phase the efforts are concentrated in the finalization of the pilot projects and the dissemination of project results. A online seminar on Smart City Financing (10.2022) and a panel discussion on Gender and Resilient Cities (03.2023) were held and opened to project partners and public. The MGI website is constantly updated with news.
  • Saltillo (Mexico):
    • The Direction of Public Works contributed to the pilot with the topography, hydrological and soil mechanics studies of the public place where the pilot project takes place. The Direction of Ecology contributed with the cleaning and pruning of trees of the site.
    • The local team conducted various sessions with the local committee and residents of the pilot site. The main event consisted of a workshop with the residents following a user-centred approach for urban planning. Local partner IMPLAN and the Municipal Division for Social Development invited neighbours of all ages to participate. The aim was to collect the users’ views and needs, as well as to map the areas that get flooded after heavy rain.
    • To anchor the pilot project to the local political environment the team held a training session on blue-green infrastructure in urban areas to the different municipal and state directions. The main objective was to introduce the techniques that will be implemented, to raise awareness of their benefits and to promote the use of nature-based solutions as tool for climate-change adaptation.
  • Piura (Peru):
    • Urban garden festival in 03.2022 in coordination with the human Settlement of Los Algarrobos and the Municipality.
    • In 05.2022, Capacity Building measures on GIS tools were carried out, followed by the selection of the pilot project area based on an urban analysis. The settlement "18 the Mayo" was selected as intervention site.
    • Local team conducted 3 workshops with the neighbours and two schools within the pilot project area. Aim was to involve them in planning and design process and to raise awareness about challenges of the small illegal dump site.
    • Development of the urban concept, technical dossier, and detailed design of the intervention between June & December 2022. Construction's start: March-April 2023.
    • Preparation of materials to be presented at the final conference in Piura: GIS Manual and project ideas catalogue, project ideas posters and impact monitoring concept.
    • Meetings with the new administration in early 2023 to secure support for the MGI project, pilot, and roadmap.
  • Kochi (India):
    • 2023: In March the Municipality launched the event for the pilot project publicly. In January a site visit and meeting with NIUA, Fraunhofer, C-HED, the mayor and implementing partners took place on the development of the pilot project. The mayor expressed his interest in scaling up the pilot project beyond the MGI project. In February 2023 these projects were completed with the active engagement of school authorities and residents: wastewater plant civil and electrical works, 15 PV systems, structure of the green pavilion and cooling rooftop.
    • 2022: In December the construction works started. In May and April site visits took place: Meetings with the local community and a workshop on sustainable neighborhood took place. In February the pilot project was discussed with school authorities.
    • 2021: In November a site visit by Fraunhofer India & NIUA took place. In September a training workshop by FSF provided tools to develop financial information, the city profile was presented to the administration in April.

Latest Update:


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  • Previous project
  • Follow-up project
  • Topic
  • Country selection

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