Mitigation actions in the transport sector in Costa Rica

Costa Rica is pursuing ambitious climate targets. In the transport sector, however, the government faces enormous challenges in reducing the rising emissions. The vehicle fleet is outdated and growing rapidly. For many people, public transport and infrastructure for pedestrians and cyclists do not offer an attractive and safe alternative to individual motorization. Electric mobility is promoted by the government because of the almost 100% clean electricity, but there are many barriers. The project supported GHG reduction in transport. To this end, the project advised at national level on the design and implementation of programmes, laws and standards. Measures with model character were implemented at the local level. The introduction of electric buses and electric delivery vehicles was implemented on a pilot basis. These experiences pave the way for the transition to electric mobility in public transport and logistics including safe handling of batteries.

Project data

Costa Rica
IKI funding
6,450,000.00 €
07/2017 till 09/2022
Implementing organisation
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Political Partner
  • Ministry of Environment and Energy (MINAE) - Costa Rica
Implementing Partner
  • ICE Group
  • Ministerium für öffentliche Bauten und Transport (MOPT)
  • Ministry of Environment and Energy (MINAE) - Costa Rica

State of implementation/results

  • Project completed.
  • Implementation of a pilot project in collaboration with the Fundación Tecnológica de Costa Rica to analyse the performance of an electric freight transporter operated by three private companies. The results were presented and broadcasted live in March 2022 to encourage private companies to switch to electric mobility (…).
  • In January 2022, the second stage of the Movámonos Juntas campaign was launched to make women aware of the 9877 law against sexual harassment in public spaces.
  • In November 2021, a virtual course on safe and sustainable mobility, developed by the Institute for Municipal Development and Consultancy (IFAM) in collaboration with the project, was presented to the public.
  • On 21 September 2021, eight local administrations in the San José metropolitan area signed an agreement for the joint planning and implementation of measures in favour of active mobility. At the same time, a territorial plan was presented that defines priorities for the construction of walking and cycling infrastructure. The project provided significant support in the formulation of the agreement and the plan (…).
  • The project supported the launch of the "Movámonos seguras" campaign, which has encouraged women to report sexual harassment in public spaces - especially on buses and at bus stops - since 28 August 2021.
  • As part of a pilot project on the electrification of local transport, three electric buses operated on selected bus routes in the San Jose metropolitan region between February 2021 and July 2022 (…).
  • In June 2021, the Institute for Municipal Consultancy IFAM founded the "IFAM Verde" fund with the support of the project. The fund aims to promote sustainable projects at the local level.
  • The project supported the formulation of a law on walking, which was passed on 23 April 2021. The law transfers the responsibility for planning and construction of footpaths to the local level and introduces a funding mechanism for this purpose.
  • The project accompanied the development of a law that establishes rights and regulations for cycling.
  • Using the online tool íMA (Índices de Movilidad Activa) developed by the project and the Institute for Municipal Consultancy (IFAM), municipalities can calculate the pedestrian and bicycle compatibility in their territories in order to identify priority action sites for the implementation of mobility projects (…).
  • Using the concept of 'Tactical Urbanism', interventions were carried out in three municipalities to seek inclusive transport solutions. Public spaces were temporarily changed to demonstrate the added value of an attractive public space.

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