Low-Carbon Development Frameworks in South Africa

This project implemented by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) South Africa aimed at providing input to the rollout of South Africa’s National Climate Change Response Policy to maximize mitigation ambition with concrete sectoral targets, to deepen the understanding and reveal opportunities beyond the current economic trajectory. Specifically, WWF South Africa evaluated experiences with mitigation regimes for each of the following six sectors: energy; transport; industry; waste; agriculture, forestry & other land use. The project also analyzed potential future economic trajectories and the systemic opportunities offered by these, leading to a synthesis report and conference on “Transition Momentum” in 2018.

Project data

South Africa
IKI funding
342,724.00 €
12/2015 till 08/2018
Implementing organisation
World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) - South Africa
Political Partner
  • Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE) - South Africa
Implementing Partner
  • Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI)

State of implementation/results

  • Project completed.
  • Preparation of studies on economic feasibility and socio-economic impacts of mitigation measures in the sectors energy, transport, industry, waste management, and agriculture, forestry and other land use (AFOLU)
  • Three workshops on business cases for a mitigation intervention in the energy, industry and waste-management sector were held.

Latest Update:


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