Low Carbon Development Achieved Through Energy Efficiency Measures in Jiangsu Province

The project developed strategies to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and provided assistance in the implementation of these strategies. Its efforts focused primarily on increasing energy efficiency in Jiangsu Province and in selected cities and industrial zones. Training measures provided decision-makers in municipal administrations and technical staff with the tools needed to identify and assess energy-efficient solutions in buildings and industry. Pilot projects provided a showcase for the application of energy-efficient solutions/technologies and the development of products for the housing sector.

Project data

IKI funding
3,005,022.63 €
12/2010 till 01/2015
Implementing organisation
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH - China
Political Partner
  • National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) - China
Implementing Partner
  • Jiangsu Development and Reform Commission (JDRC) - China

State of implementation/results

  • Project completed
  • Study currently being carried out to determine the status quo of low carbon development in Jiangsu province; local GHG reduction strategy to be developed on the basis of the results
  • Support provided to Jiangsu Development and Reform Commission (JDRC) in compiling five GHG inventories
  • Proposal drafted on energy efficiency and the reduction of emissions in 'green buildings'
  • Energy audit carried out for existing buildings and a monitoring system developed for improving energy management in buildings
  • Method developed for identifying the potential for reducing emissions in areas outside large cities
  • Support provided in the implementation of 24 pilot projects (4 cities, 10 industrial parks and 10 industrial enterprises)

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