Introducing Measures, Pathways and Roadmaps for Optimizing Vehicle Efficiency and Electrification (IMPROVE)

The core mobility challenges of our time are to accelerate the phasing out of combustion engines, the transition to electric vehicles and to increase energy efficiency. The project supports newly industrialising and developing countries to reduce the average greenhouse gas emissions of newly registered or imported vehicles by 2030 compared to a reference scenario (Business as Usual, BAU) and thus contribute to the Paris Agreement. It develops necessary regulations and policies and coordinates them with partners in four countries. For this purpose the projects collects and analyses mobility and vehicle data, develops and evaluates regulatory proposals and supports corresponding coordination procedures. The project actively promotes international learning and cooperation with global initiatives to build momentum for the transition to zero emission mobility built internationally.

Project data

Colombia, Kenya, Morocco, Thailand
IKI funding
4,000,000.00 €
01/2023 till 05/2026
Implementing organisation
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Political Partner
  • Ministry for Equipment, Transport, Logistics and Water (METLE) - Morocco
  • Ministry of Mining and Energy (MinEnergia) - Colombia
  • Ministry of Transport, Infrastructure, Housing, and Urban Development (MOTIHUD), Kenya
  • Ministry of Transport Thailand
  • Office of Industrial Economics (OIE)

State of implementation/results

  • In September 2023, a training on vehicle efficiency for delegates from the four partner countries was held in cooperation with the International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT) as part of the Transport and Climate Change Week 2023.
  • Colombia:
    • Publication of the study "Status Quo of Vehicle Efficiency Regulations in Colombia" (…).
    • In cooperation with the Ministry of Mines and Energy, the Ministry of Transport and the Ministry of Environment, the existing proposal for a fuel economy standard for light-duty vehicles was reviewed. Based on the revision and the recommendations for modifications the proposal is being implemented, the baseline data has been updated and recommendations for strategic decisions on the regulation have been made. Recommendations included modifying the formula for calculating the standard, implementing a sanctioning scheme, consider e-mobility incentives such as super credits, among others.
    • The State Department of Transport has launched a Technical Working Group “Vehicle Efficiency Working Group” to oversee the development of a regulatory instrument on vehicle efficiency in Kenya. The members of the Working Group include entities with regulatory power (e.g. ministries and state departments) as well as international organisations (UNDP) and private sector associations.
    • A scoping study on Conditions and Barriers for Vehicle Efficiency Regulation in Kenya was published and will inform further project activities. (…).
    • A high-level event was held in Rabat on 30 April 2024, attended by the Minister of Transport and a representative of the German Embassy to launch the IMPROVE project. This was followed by a technical workshop with representatives from the ministries and the automotive industry (…).
    • In May 2024, the project organised in cooperation with the Office of Transport and Traffic Policy and Planning a stakeholder workshop with representatives from different Thai ministries and agencies on "Accelerating Thailand’s Fuel Efficiency: International Best Practices and Fleet Management for Decarbonisation".

Latest Update:


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  • Country selection

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