Integration of the agricultural sector in national adaptation planning processes

Climate change brings increases in temperature, changes in precipitation patterns and more frequent extreme weather events – and this is particularly critical in countries where the livelihood of the population depends on agriculture. The project supported the partner countries in identifying country-specific adaptation measures in the agricultural sector and integrating them into national planning and budgeting processes. It also built up capacities in the relevant institutions and develops sector-adapted strategies to this end. In addition, the project facilitated partner countries’ access to international funds such as the Green Climate Fund for financing climate projects in the agricultural sector, and advised them on the more targeted use of national funds. experience and model approaches in the field of adaptation are shared in the partner countries – and global, regional and national forums raisd awareness of the links between agriculture and adaptation to climate change.

Project data

Colombia, Gambia, Guatemala, Kenya, Nepal, Philippines, Thailand, Uganda, Uruguay, Viet Nam, Zambia
IKI funding
14,762,354.20 €
01/2015 till 12/2020
Implementing organisation
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Political Partner
  • Department of Agriculture (DA) - Philippines
  • Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries - Uganda
  • Ministry of Agriculture (MAGA) - Guatemala
  • Ministry of Agriculture - Gambia
  • Ministry of Agriculture - Kenya
  • Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (MGAP) - Uruguay
  • Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock - Sambia
  • Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development - Nepal
  • Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) - Viet Nam
  • Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development - Colombia
  • Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning - ONEP - Thailand
Implementing Partner
  • Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

State of implementation/results

  • Project completed.
    • The eleven Partner Countries of the programme are implementing activities in collaboration with Ministries of Agriculture and Environment with the support of UNDP and FAO.
    • Details of progress in each country can be found on the UNDP and FAO web-pages (… ;…).
    Columbia (closed in December 2019):
    • Support to Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development to undertake vulnerability & risk analysis and development of M&E System for the Integral Climate Change Management Plan of the Agricultural Sector (Plan Integral de Gestión del Cambio Climático - PIGCC). CCA practices documented in an adaptation good practices database:…
    Gambia (closed in April 2020):
    • A NAP workshop held in Banjul in November 2019 was organised in cooperation with the Global Water Partnership to consult stakeholders in the agriculture sector and beyond on the NAP process, and to launch the preparation of a NAP Framework for agriculture in the Gambia, which will be validated through a stakeholders workshop in 2020.
    Guatemala (closed in December 2019):
    • Support of the implementation of Chapter 3 (Agriculture, Livestock and Food Security) and Chapter 6 (Integrated management of water resources) of the NAP. On December 5, 2019, the project closing workshop was held, with a strong focus on the "Challenges and Opportunities for the Integration of Agriculture in National Plans for Climate Change Adaptation". A documentary on adaptation practices in sustainable agriculture systems served the purpose of sensitizing the institutions present.
    Kenya (closed in September 2019):
    • To ensure continuity beyond the IKI funding period additional resources from UNITAR and the GCF were leveraged. The programme supported The Kenya Climate Smart Agriculture Implementation Framework (KCSAIF 2018-2027), which was launched in October 2018 as well as the M& E framework for its implementation strategy. The country has made significant progress in implementing the agricultural component of its NAP.
    Nepal (closed in July 2019):
    • Policy makers in the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development (MoALD) and other relevant agencies have identified a roadmap to continue the process of integrating the agriculture sector into Nepal’s NAP. In October 2018 a new method for CCA budget coding and expenditure tracking for agriculture sector was finalized and approved to be applied in the upcoming fiscal year’s budgeting.
    Philippines (closes in December 2019):
    • The programme supported the Department of Agriculture in the implementation of the National Climate Change Adaptation Plan and the revision of the Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization Plan (AFMP); focus on development of indicators for M&E on climate change adaptation in agriculture sectors and gender mainstreaming. The “outcome harvesting” and the programme closing workshops were organized in Manila, respectively on 17 and 18-19 December 2019. The first one was organized in the context of the upcoming evaluation, to harness key results and achievements, as well as identification of the relationship between the outcomes and NAP-Ag’s contribution. The NAP-Ag Roadmap was finalised in March 2020.
    Thailand (closed in September 2019):
    • The Programme supported the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives (MoAC) to implement the strategy using improved prioritization and budgeting of sectoral adaptation actions. New administration took office in 2019, and no change in the climate change policy framework was anticipated. The Ministry of Agriculture’s Strategy on Climate Change (ASCCP) will still shape sector-specific action on climate change until 2021.
    Uganda (closed in July 2019):
    • The National Adaptation Plan for the Agriculture sector (NAP-Ag) was officially launched in November 2018 and derives synergies from the National Climate Change Policy (NCCP) and National Agriculture Policy and is also aligned with the country’s INDC; its Performance Monitoring and Evaluation Framework has been designed by the project; Training workshops on gender with the result that the NAP contains a chapter on gender. The appreciation of the NAP-Ag Program by the Uganda Government to the agriculture and other sectors was demonstrated by a formal request from the National Planning Authority (NPA) to FAO to facilitate the process of integrating adaptation priorities in Uganda’s medium term planning framework (the third National Development Plan) and subsequent sector strategic plans for all climate sensitive sectors such as Agriculture, Water, Environment, Energy, Health, Works and Transport.
    Uruguay (closed in December 2019):
    • The project supported the Ministry of Livestock, Agriculture, and Fisheries (MGAP) in the formulation of the National Adaptation Plan for Climate Change and Climate Variability for Agriculture, which was officially launched on September 18th, 2019, in conjunction with the closing workshop. A set of indicators (32) was identified to be used as metrics to track adaptation, resilience and adaptive capacity for the agricultural sector in Uruguay. To ensure continuity beyond the IKI funding period, the project leveraged GCF NAP Readiness funding.
    Viet Nam (closed in June 2019):
    • The project supported the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) in the development of adaptation assessments and monitoring systems for the implementation of sector adaptation priorities under Viet Nam’s NDC and the development of a sector wide NAP; A study on developing and testing a framework for measuring climate change related loss and damage in Viet Nam’s agriculture sector was carried out. Using the findings of the vulnerability assessment and cost-benefit analysis, the programme supported MARD to prioritize eight programmes of investment in the agriculture sectors to support NDC implementation. National and provincial consultations (three provinces) were organized (Sep 2019 - Feb 2020). NDC priority implementation and investment programmes are being drafted and will be shared at a national workshop prior to the submission of Viet Nam’s revised NDC in July 2020.
    Zambia (closed in July 2019):
    • The project supported the development of the agriculture NAP road map and facilitated a discussion among key stakeholders on the formulation of the agriculture sector NAP. The project has contributed to the design and submission of a GCF NAP readiness proposal.
    In 2019, the project actively participated at various international and regional fora such as:
    • The NAP Expo from 8-12th of April 2019 in Songdo.
    • the Global NDC conference in Berlin in June 2019.
    • The workshop on the Lima Work Programme on Gender (LWPG) and its Gender Action Plan (GAP).
    • The Koronivia Dialogue and other side events which were held during SB 50 sessions of the UNFCCC in June 2019 and of the COP25 in December 2019.
    • The 36th Meeting of the LEG in Nairobi in August 2019.
    • The LEG Training Workshop on National Adaptation Plans in Nairobi in September 2019. --The Third Koronivia Dialogue which was held in September in FAO HQ in Rome.

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