Increasing the resilience of the Amazon biome: protected areas as an integral element of climate change adaptation
The project created a system of protected areas as an integral element of climate change (CC) strategies in the Amazon biome. It supported the CC adaptation component of the Amazon Conservation Vision. This increased the resilience of the Amazon biome to the long-term impacts of CC and secured its ecosystem services. The project developed regional analyses of ecosystem vulnerability to CC and an analysis of the role natural ecosystems play in CC adaptation. Data management systems and knowledge management at the transnational biome level contributed to improved information policies and decision-making processes. The project partners integrated CC adaptation measures into protected area management plans and frameworks. CC adaptation measures and planning instruments were developed in a trans-boundary pilot area for demonstration purposes. The project built the capacities for the inclusion of protected areas in policy decisions and strategies relating to CC adaptation.
- Countries
- Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru
- IKI funding
- 1,943,426.00 €
- Duration
- 10/2013 till 12/2016
- Status
- completed
- Implementing organisation
- World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) - Germany
- Political Partner
- Ministry of Environment - Brazil
- Ministry of Environment - Ecuador
- National Office of Protected Areas (SERNANP) - Peru
- National Parks of Colombia (PNC) - Colombia
- RedParques (Latin American Network of Protected Areas)
- Implementing Partner
- World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) - Brazil
- World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) - Colombia
- World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) - Ecuador
- World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) - Peru
State of implementation/results
- Project completed.
- The climate declaration of Redparques was developed within the project and presented at COP 21. It represents the starting point for the recognition of protected areas in combating climate change and was formally submitted to the Secretariat of the CBD.
- For the Caqueta region in Colombia, support was provided for the preparation of a new development plan that takes into account both climate change criteria and the protected areas in the region.
- In Peru, an agreement was reached between the regional government and the municipality of Tabacona to designate a new regional protected area.
Latest Update:
Project relations
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