Improving the Management of Peatlands and the Capacities of Stakeholders in Indonesia (Peat-IMPACTS Indonesia)

Some 50 percent of Indonesia’s peatland areas have been converted and degraded by excessive land use and fire damage. A sustainable and climate-neutral solution to the management of peatlands was based on a transformational landscape approach that combines technical and organisational resources and skills in peatland restoration, while being aligned with the needs of the public and private sectors. The project was also raising awareness among key stakeholders about peat fires and the associated emission risks in relation to peatlands. Support was being provided for the integration of peatland management into a broader-based landscape management, and the project also provided skills trainings for smallholders in the management of paludiculture. The project’s efforts were helping to safeguard local livelihoods, while communication of the lessons learned ensured that insights have been shared nationwide. The mitigation of emissions achieved helped to meet Indonesia’s NDCs and its national 2015–2020 development plan.

Project data

IKI funding
4,062,457.00 €
01/2020 till 12/2024
Implementing organisation
World Agroforestry Center (ICRAF)
Political Partner
  • Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) - Indonesia
  • Peat Restoration Agency (Badan Restorasi Gambut - BRG) - Indonesia
  • State Ministry of National Development Planning (BAPPENAS) - Indonesia
Implementing Partner
  • BPSI Tanah dan Pupuk

State of implementation/results

  • Project completed
  • The Peat Hydrological Unit (KHG) Roadmap for Sungai Sugihan-Sungai Lumpur and Saleh Sugihan has been finalized and incorporated into the Provincial and District RPPEG documents;
  • Twelve sustainable peat roadmap documents have been uploaded to the website. An interactive story map page (… ) for Pegari was launched at the GLF event and handed over to the relevant OPDs at the district and provincial levels. The launch video is available on the online channel…;
  • Peat-IMPACTS has supported the West Kalimantan Environmental Agency in completing the Regional Environmental Protection and Management Document (RPPEG), which has been submitted to the Ministry of Environment and Forestry for technical approval. Th document serves as the legal basis for the RPPEG resolution at the district level of Kubu Raya;
  • District Regulation on performance-based Corporate Environmental and Social Responsibility is at the final stage of development, which will govern criteria and funding allocation for fragile ecosystems, particularly peatland;
  • Indicators and measurement tools for recognizing and valuing corporate contributions to fragile ecosystems, particularly peatlands are established together with the CESR Forum of OKI District;
  • Series of trainings on good agricultural practices, sustainable agriculture and entrepreneur for farmer groups in 12 pilot villages had been completed. 70 training events were conducted for about 500 farmers; about 420 farmers increased their knowledge; about 20% adopted the techniques;
  • Ten agreements between local governments, private sectors and farmers group in pilot villages to support agroforestry and paludiculture have been established;
  • Thirty six farmer champion had been identified; they will be the agent of change, particularly in conducting training to farmers groups beyond pilot villages;
  • Establishment demoplot of fruit-based (durian, matoa, pineapple) agroforestry in Sungai Asam Village, Kubu Raya, West Kalimantan;
  • Guidelines on coffee harvesting and post-harvest handling, coffee roasting, good agricultural practices for rhizomes species as understorey in agroforestry systems, good agricultural practices of rubber and fruits tree in agroforestry systems had been completed and ready for lay outing and distribution;
  • Profitability comparative analysis on rubber agroforestry system versus monoculture systems in Lebung Itam village, Ogan Komering Ilir is completed;
  • Peat-IMPACTS supported the Climate Talk, organized by the German Embassy in Indonesia on August 21, 2024, in Pontianak, as part of promoting various outcomes from the Peat IMPACTS activities related to the development of peat learning systems in Local. This event was followed by visits to schools and discussions regarding implementing local peat content, which took place on August 23, 2024.

Latest Update:

Further links


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