Implementation and Financing of Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) by the Food and Agriculture Sector to reduce climate risk and environmental impacts in Latin America

Climate change and COVID-19 are disrupting Latin American agricultural systems as value chains have been upended, driving producers into unsustainable production. Through an improved enabling environment for EbA, the project will transform three million hectars of agricultural land into regenerative landscapes that benefit climate, biodiversity, productivity and producers. The project will increase knowledge of EbA agriculture and green recovery, including analyses of their barriers and successes, while also strengthening regulatory frameworks which promote EbA and eliminating disincentives. The project will develop 13 business models with climate and agricultural data and will implement at least 5 financial instruments/financial risk transfer solutions to enable EbA finance and investment. More than 7000 producers will adopt these approaches and a multi-stakeholder platform will facilitate public-private-community coordination and promote rapid scaling of adoption.

Project data

Argentina, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru
IKI funding
19,570,227.00 €
Included preparation phase
429,773.00 €
06/2022 till 05/2028
Implementing organisation
The Nature Conservancy (TNC) - International
Political Partner
  • Ministry of Environment (MINAM) - Peru
  • Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MADES) - Paraguay
  • Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MinAmbiente) - Colombia
  • The Ministry of Environment of Ecuador (MAE)
  • Undersecretariat of Environment and Sustainable Development - Argentina
Implementing Partner
  • Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung GmbH (UFZ)
  • Nestlé S.A.

State of implementation/results

  • Argentina: The co-design of an associative business model (1 of 13) was finalized. It proposes the sale in formal markets of calves raised with regenerative practices by family producers in the Gran Chaco.The business model is tailored to reach and impact around 100.000 producers, resulting in the promotion of forest conservation and restoration. In addition, 11 organizations agreed to create the Promoter Group as part of the Impact Network/National Hub, highlighting challenges and opportunities for collaboration in the region and laying the foundation for multi-sectoral joint work.
  • Colombia: Technical factsheet packages on EbA measures and regenerative ranching were consolidated based on key inputs gathered from experts on prioritized implementing areas. New demonstrative and support farms in ranching were validated in collaboration with Nestlé, Alquería, and Cuenca Verde. Implementation of the Participatory Land Use Planning as a tool for farm diagnosis and analysis of potentialities and limitations was initiated, through 2 workshops held with institutions, organizations, associations, and producers (12 and 14/12/2023).
  • Ecuador: Workshop organized by the Ministry of Agriculture and Environment resulted in concepts of silvopastoral and agroforestry systems as key insights for Ecuadorian environmental legislation. Meetings with experts from the Cacao Program at the National Agricultural Research Institute and the University of the Americas allowed getting valuable insights into sustainable and regenerative practices.
  • Paraguay: The analysis of the beef value chain was completed, the early adopters were characterized, and the regenerative beef and NTFP business model proposals were consolidated. The diagnosis of financial tools in Paraguay was completed.
  • Perú: Diagnosis and analysis of intervention areas and value chains were discussed in a participative workshop with the Ministries of Environment and Agriculture, and potential partners: Cocoa for Junín and San Martín, and livestock in Cajamarca.
  • Regional: Public Policy Dialogue events organized by TNC, ECLAC and UFZ were carried out in Ecuador, Colombia, Paraguay and Argentina to facilitate a dialogue between public, private and civil society sectors, to identify areas of opportunity and gaps for transitioning towards more sustainable livestock farming and agriculture. A R2A Conceptual Framework was consolidated and delivered to the Future Landscapes Teams. UFZ team completed 3 Value Chain Analysis, identifying interventions to promote R2A systems in Ecuador (cocoa), Argentina (beef), and Colombia (dairy). The Future Landscapes Project was presented during the Adaptation Futures Conference in Montreal, Canada.

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