Health Adaptation to Climate Change
The project was part of a seven-project programme implemented by WHO that aimed at strengthening the capacity of participating countries to identify the health-related risks of climate change. To this end the project partners conducted a National Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment for the health sector and developed a national adaptation strategy based on its findings. The project also aimed at expanding local know-how in this field by training experts and making information more widely available in the relevant language.
- Countries
- Kyrgyzstan
- IKI funding
- 1,004,442.31 €
- Duration
- 12/2008 till 12/2011
- Status
- completed
- Implementing organisation
- World Health Organization (WHO) - European Centre for Environment and Health
- Political Partner
- Ministry of Health - Kyrgyzstan
- National Institute of Preventive Medicine - Kyrgyzstan
- State Agency on Environment Protection and Forestry - Kyrgyzstan*
State of implementation/results
- Project completed
- National Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment for Kyrgyzstan's health sector completed in November 2011
- National Climate Change Adaptation Plan for Kyrgyzstan's health sector completed in October 2011
- Improvement of management skills relating to increased health risks resulting from climate change (air pollution and infectious diseases), e.g. by developing and supplying information to health centres, developing a programme to monitor infectious diseases and providing training and curriculum development for medical students
- Installation of solar plants for decentralised energy supply at five different hospitals
- Implementation of public awareness campaigns (in schools, on websites, in the media) on health risks relating to climate change
Latest Update:
Project relations
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