Grenada - Pilot Programme for an Integrative Adaptation Strategy

The project supported the island state of Grenada in increasing the resilience of sectors of the population and ecosystems that are particularly vulnerable to the effects of climate change. To do this, it took an integrative approach across different sectors and different levels: at national level, the project strengthened the government’s capacity to coordinate different stakeholders in the field of adaptation. At individual sector level, it supported Grenada in using its water resources efficiently and in developing coastal zone management plans that take current and future climatic changes into account. At local level, the project partners supported specific adaptation measures that increase the resilience of poor sectors of the population, while at the same time improving their living conditions. This comprehensive approach can serve as an example for other countries in the region and facilitate access to additional resources for adaptation to climate change.  The project successfully developed a GCF funding proposal, which is co-funded by BMU. The co-funded part of the project is implemented through the IKI Project Climate Resilience in Grenada`s Water Sector: Contributions of the Water Sector to Grenada's NDC).

Project data

IKI funding
4,153,989.57 €
11/2012 till 07/2019
Implementing organisation
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Political Partner
  • Ministry of Climate Resilience, the Environment, Forestry, Fisheries, Disaster Management and Information - Grenada*
Implementing Partner
  • Ministry of Education, Human Resource Development and the Environment - Grenada

State of implementation/results

  • Project cpmpleted.

    Mainstreaming of adaptation
    • The National Climate Change Committee adopted a new structure in 2014 and has assumed responsibility for coordinating the activities of the Government, the private sector and non-governmental organisations.
    • More than 160 representatives from government and private actors provided input on the country's first National Adaptation Plan (NAP).
    • In 2017 Grenada was the first Caribbean Community (CARICOM) country to complete its cabinet approved National Adaptation Plan (NAP). The plan forms the basis of national transformation processes and is designed to encourage international donors to provide financing.
    • In 2017 Grenada adopted as well as the Climate Change Policy and Action Plan (2017-2021).
    • Climate change considerations have been integrated into Grenada's National Growth and Poverty Reduction Strategy (2014-2018), the National Agriculture Plan, the Strategic Health Plan (2016-2025) and internal planning processes of the Ministry of Agriculture.
    • Grenada’s final draft Sustainable Development Plan 2035 includes a dedicated chapter on climate change and climate has been mainstreamed throughout the plan.
    • Process for input to the Climate Change Chapter for Grenada’s Sustainable Development Plan 2035 has been revived in 2018 and is planned to be concluded by the end of 2019
    • All new projects under the Government's Public Sector Investment Programme now have to conduct a risk screening. For this purpose more than 60 technical officers from different ministries were introduced to the "Caribbean Climate Online Risk and Adaptation Tool" (CCORAL);
    • A High level capacity building sensitisation workshop for Decision Makers was organized by the project, involving two meetings, one with the Cabinet of Ministers (March 5th 2019) and another with the Senior Management Board (March 6th 2019)”.
    Sector specific pilot projects
    • Coastal Zone Management:
      • The Government, the private sector, the academic community and non-governmental organisations have worked together to draft a policy for coastal zone management in Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique which was approved by Cabinet.
      • Coastal zone considerations were integrated into the draft Climate Resilience, Environment and Natural Resource Bill. The Coastal Zone Bill has been prepared for submission to the Cabinet in 2018 but was not approved yet. The Integrated Coastal Zone Management Act was passed by Cabinet and Parliament in August 2019.
      • 30 beaches have been profiled providing data on erosion and loss of beaches.
      • In Northern Telescope, a community/government co-management board was established for a mangrove rehabilitation project - RECCOMM. 1,900 red mangrove seedlings were transplanted to the project site and are monitored regularly.
    • Water Management
      • Grenada’s first community rain water harvesting system has been installed by the National Water and Sewerage Authority (NaWaSA) in Blaize in 2016, using a storage tank with a capacity of 190 cubic metres, the community’s households are now directly connected to a drinking water supply system for the first time. -- 45 non-commercial water sources have been identified and mapped. They can be accessed by local communities, e.g. If pipe borne water supply fails in case of a hurricane.
      • To reduce water losses NaWaSA was supplied with three leak detection devices and staff was trained.
    • Climate Smart Agriculture:
      • Pilot measures on climate-smart agriculture have been carried out to train more than 60 government representatives and farmers. Here, traditional approaches are used to optimise water use and to propagate environmentally responsible composting and use of fertilisers. Climate-smart farming is firmly established in the Ministry of Agriculture's Three-Year Plan. -- In collaboration with a German company, Ökobit GmbH, the first of ten biogas systems has been installed, using organic waste from pig breeding. In addition to generating energy, this produces natural fertiliser and reduces environmental and marine pollution.
    Community projects
    • There have been 27 CCCAF projects developed and approved with 25 being completed with measurable results in their 67 communities.
    • The approved projects included adaptation activities related to the sectors of agriculture and water (6 projects), public water storage (2), education and awareness (6), land degradation (1), flood mitigation (3), ridge to reef community sensitization (1), recycling (2), and, marine and coastal areas (6).
    Access to funding
    • To attract and measure contribution of domestic finance climate change expenditure reviews for the budget 2015 and 2016 were conducted.
    • The Grenada Development Bank is in the process for accreditation at the Green Climate Fund (GCF) to act as a Direct Access Entity for Grenada.
    • GCF Readiness funding of about 330 000 Euro were secured
    • The GCF Board has approved Grenada's "Climate Resilient Water Sector in Grenada" Project as the first national GCF project in the Caribbean (41 Mio EUR). It will be cofounded by BMU (2,5 Mio EUR) through an IKI project
    Awareness raising and knowledge management
    • In March 2019 the project organized the Regional Workshop on Smart Integration of Climate Change Adaptation in the Caribbean, with a participation of 80 representatives from 15 Caribbean Countries and further from Germany, the US and UN organisations) who exchanged about IKI projects and best practices and lessons learnt on adaptation in the region.
    • Activities of GIZ ICCAS project are posted regularly on the ICCAS Facebook site… ; which is linked automatically to an ICCAS Twitter account:…; the Youtube channel:… ; and Soundcloud channel:…
    • An awareness campaign is targeting younger people with a climate change song circulated as a music video.
    • A new logo is being used for all of the Government's climate adaptation activities. Since the logo was launched in 2014, a large number of newspaper articles have been published dealing with climate change adaptation. The awareness campaign is also targeting younger people with a climate change song circulated as a music video.
    • 'How to become a climate champion’: Illustrative material has been produced to teach primary schoolchildren about climate change.
    • ICCAS documents have been transferred into the Document library of Grenada’s new climate finance website:…

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