Greening supply and demand: Advancing Eco-Labels and Sustainable Public Procurement for climate and biodiversity protection (Eco-Advance)

Latin America is a biodiversity hotspot but faces increasing GHG emissions and waste due to growing material and energy intensity, partly caused by an increase in urban consumption. The progress in the field of sustainable public procurement (SPP) and type-I ecolabelling in the region is very different. The project triggers a transformation towards more sustainable consumption and production (SCP) in the five partner countries. This will be achieved by aligning and promoting third party verified ecolabels that guarantee a reliable source of information and ensure low climate impact of products. Additionally, the project will integrate climate and biodiversity protection in SPP policies by defining or improving procurement criteria using ecolabels as a means of verification. The countries will not only contribute to climate change mitigation, sustainable use of natural resources and biodiversity conservation, but can also be-come trendsetters for the region.

Project data

Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mexico
IKI funding
10,000,000.00 €
Included preparation phase
10,000,000.00 €
12/2022 till 11/2026
Implementing organisation
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Political Partner
  • Ministry of Development, Industry, Commerce and Services - Brazil
  • Ministry of Environment - Ecuador
  • Ministry of Environment and Energy (MINAE) - Costa Rica
  • Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MinAmbiente) - Colombia
  • Ministry of Finance - Costa Rica
  • Ministry of Finance and Public Credit - Mexico
Implementing Partner
  • Öko-Institut e.V.
  • United Nations Environment Programme (UN Environment) - France

State of implementation/results

  • Together with One Planet Network, a global conference on EcoLabel and Sustainable Public Procurement with government and civil society representatives was organised in Bogota, Colombia on in November 2023, to facilitate knowledge exchange, capacity building and learning.
  • Development of a methodological guide for the product selection and prioritization process for sustainable public procurement in the five countries.
  • On the base of this guide and consultation with the counterparts in all five countries, a selection and prioritization processes of preliminary list of products and services took place.
  • Regional and national planning workshops have been organized, where working plans and activities were prioritized in consultation with the local partners, and thus, several studies are now being contracted and/or underway mainly related to the following topics:
  • Brazil:
    • Development of contributions to strengthen the political and legal framework of sustainable public procurement and type I eco-label.
    • Study to support the advancement of the new created Green Label type I (Selo Verde Brasil).
  • Colombia:
    • Definition of a strategy for the promotion of the Colombian Environmental Seal and Sustainable Public Procurement.
  • Costa Rica:
    • Validation of the guide of environmental guidelines for sustainable public procurement.
    • Strategy for the implementation of sustainable public procurement in the infrastructure and transport sector.
    • Review/update of regulations for sustainable public procurement and environmental labeling.
    • Technical support for the creation of the National Procurement Plan.
    • Technical support for the definition of sustainable criteria of the general agreements of public procurement issued for three products / services.
    • “Strategy for the implementation of sustainable public procurement in the infrastructure and transport sector” was pre-launched with the participation of the vice minister of Public Works and Infrastructure.
  • Ecuador:
    • Capacity building on Sustainable Public Procurement and analysis of the feasibility of setting up a system of Monitoring, Reporting and Evaluation of Green or Triple Impact Public Procurement.
  • Mexico:
    • The verification tools used by the Federal Attorney for Environmental Protection (PROFEPA) for the development of environmental audits are being reviewed.

Latest Update:


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  • Follow-up project
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  • Country selection

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