Green Growth in the Heart of Borneo: Integrating conservation, economic development and well-being of communities across a transboundary landscape
The ‘Heart of Borneo’ is a region offering a unique level of biodiversity. The Heart of Borneo Declaration signed by Indonesia, Malaysia and Brunei aims at protecting this region. Yet the region is threatened by unsustainable resource usage on the part of forestry and agriculture. To improve protection further, the project supported a number of parts of the Heart of Borneo action plan involving the transboundary management of resources, ecotourism and activities to strengthen communities. The project also developed a sustainable, ‘green economy’ management model and implemented a number of pilot sub-projects. Networking efforts between the various stakeholders drawn from government and the private sector fostered new partnerships that promote sustainable economic growth in the region while getting local communities involved. All of the project results and approaches can be used as input for the Heart of Borneo initiative.
- Countries
- Indonesia, Malaysia
- IKI funding
- 4,140,926.23 €
- Duration
- 03/2016 till 12/2021
- Status
- completed
- Implementing organisation
- World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) - Germany
- Political Partner
- Forest Department Sarawak - Malaysia
- Kapuas Hulu District-West Kalimantan - Indonesia
- Implementing Partner
- World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) - Indonesia
State of implementation/results
- Project completed.
Malaysia:- The aim of the project is to develop a master plan for land use in the state of Sarawak - due to the pandemic, however, adjustments to the project measures were necessary, e.g. increased cooperation through representatives of local communities outside the villages.
- One of the two projects to secure the livelihoods of local communities was able to continue (under pandemic-related restrictions): The Gaharu plantation for tea on degraded land near orangutan habitats. The Tagang project in Baleh (conservation of fish stocks) has been successfully implemented and the communities fully self-manage the project
- The communities regularly inform WWF and the Inland Fisheries Division of the Department of Agriculture Sarawak with photos and updates
- The Land Use Plan and the Green Economy Action Plan are being finalized.
- Final report supporting palm oil supply chain best management practices in KSK Agropolitan Area is available, as is the draft Green Economy Action Plan for the Embau Sub-KSK Agropolitan Area
Latest Update:
Project relations
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