Green Freight India
India’s freight transport sector offers enormous potential for climate mitigation and sustainable economic development by increasing its efficiency, shift of road based freight to railway and ships and promoting modern technologies. Therefore, the project attempted to introduce appropriate strategies, technical solutions, and approaches to develop competences to coordinate and implement the National Integrated Logistics Plan (NILP). The project advised its partner ministry on setting up coordination and monitoring mechanisms for the NILP. It also supported selected national authorities in the development of climate-friendly standards and regulations as part of the NILP Action Plans. Promising approaches were tested in a selected logistics corridor. In order to ensure sustainable implementation, the project strengthened the resources and competences of federal authorities as well as private logistics contractors and truck drivers.
- Countries
- India
- IKI funding
- 3,500,000.00 €
- Duration
- 01/2019 till 08/2024
- Status
- completed
- Implementing organisation
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
- Political Partner
- Ministry of Commerce and Industry - India
- Implementing Partner
- Confederation of Indian Industry (CII)
- School of Planning and Architecture, Bhopal
State of implementation/results
- Project completed.
- In February 2022, the project supported the Logistics Department of the Ministry of Trade and Industry to conduct a "Budget Webinar on PM Gati Shakti". The meeting was attended by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Minister of Trade and Industry Piyush Goyal and senior government officials from 16 relevant ministries.
- Between February and March 2023, the project participated in regional workshops with the governments of the 28 states and 8 union territories, organized by the Logistics Department. In these workshops, the project raised awareness among the governments about the benefits of City Logistics Plans (CLP) and encouraged them to develop them for their cities in the future. Together with the Logistics Department, the project will support the implementation of these CLPs by offering training for managers and guidelines (under development).
- Consultations were organized in Delhi and Bengaluru in February and April 2023 to gather feedback on CLP outcomes from relevant public agencies and private stakeholders such as market associations, transport unions, warehouse operator associations, e-commerce platforms, etc. on key issues.
- In June 2023, a workshop was organized jointly with the Logistics Department to disseminate guidelines for the development of multimodal logistics parks in India to all relevant public and private stakeholders involved in the development of multimodal logistics parks in India. In September 2023, the guidelines were handed over to the partner organisation
- The Freight Smart Cities initiative has been renamed "City Logistics Plans." These plans are to be linked with the State Logistics Plans and the Gati Shakti National Master Plan in selected cities. For this purpose, the cities of Bengaluru and Delhi were selected to develop City Logistics Plans (CLP). In January 2024, the CLP for Delhi was approved by the Delhi government. To provide technical support to other municipal authorities in Indian cities, a Center of Excellence for Urban Freight Management has been set up at the School of Planning and Architecture in Bhopal. This center is expected to become a capacity building hub for state and municipal authorities across India in the field of urban logistics planning and implementation.
- The project continued its development of supplemental protocols for handling agricultural products and vehicle specifications. For this purpose, a Cold Chain Resource Center was established at the National Institute for Food Technology (NIFTEM) for training and skills development in cold chain logistics.
- A Greenhouse Gas Calculator was developed to estimate greenhouse gas emissions from different modes of transportation ( With the help of this freely available calculator, commercial transport service providers can inform their customers about the greenhouse gas emissions of their journeys.
Latest Update:
Further links
Project relations
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