Gender into Urban Climate Change Initiative (GUCCI)
Effective climate policy requires gender mainstreaming and increased participation of women in planning and implementing climate protection strategies. The project involved cooperation with experienced women's organisations in four partner countries to integrate social issues and gender justice into municipal climate programmes. To this end, it builded up knowledge and resources on gender and climate issues in local organisations. In addition to building capacity, it developed a method to assess municipal and national climate policies with regard to gender sensitivity, inclusion, social and environmental impacts. The project also designed campaigns, information, and training materials to increase the participation of women in 14 pilot cities and to introduce concrete proposals for gender-sensitive strategies into local politics. The project results can now be used after the end of the project through a knowledge platform and an e-learning course.
- Countries
- India, Indonesia, Mexico, South Africa
- IKI funding
- 2,045,852.32 €
- Duration
- 11/2015 till 03/2022
- Status
- completed
- Implementing organisation
- GenderCC - women for climate justice e.V.
- Political Partner
- Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE) - South Africa
- Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC) - India
- Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT) - Mexico
- Ministry of New and Renewable Energy - India
- State Ministry of National Development Planning (BAPPENAS) - Indonesia
- Implementing Partner
- Aksi! for gender, social and ecological justice - Indonesia
- All India Women's Conference (AIWC) - India
- Equidad de Género - Mexiko
- GenderCC - women for climate justice e.V.
- GenderCC Southern Africa - South Africa
State of implementation/results
- Project completed.
- Two newsletters on the GUCCI project were published in April and July 2021 (…).
- Konrad Adenauer Stiftung organised a Workshop for scholarship holders, including presentation of the project approach.
- On May 31, 2021 "Policy Kitchen" was organised by Polis180, giving input on the project approach.
- IKI Gender Exchange took place in April 4, 2021 giving input on the project.
- GenderCC SA participated in the virtual event "Advocacy for Gender Just climate Action".
- Further presentations by GenderCC on the project were given at the Gender Week in Vienna, the Asia Seminar "gender and energy in sustainable urban development" and for the Friedrich Ebert Foundation Vietnam.
- The UNFCCC organised a workshop with GenderCC on "Gender integration into national climate actions - Europe & Central Asia" as part of the Gender Action Plan.
- In 2020, the video "UNFCCC Gender Virtual Market Place" was produced to explain the approach of the project (…).
- GenderCC was present at the SB50 in June in Bonn and shared the experience of the project.
- GenderCC is one of the 12 European NGOs participating in the 2019 edition of the EU-China NGO twinning programme.
- An explanatory video on gender and climate change in urban areas, which addresses urban climate protection employees was published (…).
- The Satus Quo reports of the six pilot cities were published on the GenderCC website.
- A new project tool 'Gender Assessment and Methodology of Adaptation and Mitigation' (GAMMA) was developed and approved.
- India:
- National level dissemination online seminar was held on 25th August 2021 with participation of all four indian GUCCI partners.
- AIWC Chennai launched a webpage on the project (
- An online creativity competition was organised by the AIWC Kolkata team on linking COVID-19 with gender equality and climate change.
- In Chennai, webinars and online discussion forums, as well as associated social media accounts on Instagram (…), Twitter (…) and Facebook (…), were developed.
- South Africa:
- On September 14, 2021 an virtual Workshop by the National Dept of Forestry, Fisheries & Environment on Capacity Building Initiative Transparency (CBIT) was held.
- A Webinar Panel Discussion by the French Embassy & UN Women about Feminist action for climate justice coalition took place on August 31, 2021.
- A virtual Workshop on Climate & Gender Justice was held on May 17, 2021 by Oxfam Germany.
- On May 7, 2021 a Online Seminar Dialogue was held by the Climate Change Presidential Commission to discuss and review NDCs with stakeholders.
- The Deutsche Welle Team Global 3000 portrayed project collaborator Ndivile Mokoena of the South African partner organisation GenderCC Southern Africa (…).
- Indonesia:
- Production of videos on women and climate change by GUCCI team in Jakarta:
- Jakarta Is Not Just about Green (…),
- The stories of 3 women in North Jakarta (…;t=427s), and
- What They Say About Gender and Climate Change (…;t=17s).
- Production of videos on women and climate change by GUCCI team in Jakarta:
- Mexico:
- Enhanced collaboration with the IKI project Climate Protection in Urban Policy in Mexico: Cities and Climate Change (CiClim) to place gender equality as a cross-cutting issue in urban climate action to show the multiple results of the project and connect public policymakers.
- On April 30, 2020 the project partners held a virtual presentation of the GUCCI project as part of the exchange of experiences between IKI and Mexican cities.
Latest Update:
Project relations
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