Forest and climate protection on Panay
The project was seeking to protect this continuous expanse of forest and its endangered species. A further aim was to improve land use planning and put in place appropriate forestry and agroforestry practices to ensure sustainable use of natural resources in the areas bordering the forest. It was setting up an alliance of provinces and local authorities affected, designating critical habitats wherever possible across the entire forest area under the decentralised land-use planning process and then further developing them. In conjunction with local authorities, the project planed measures and ensured they are incorporated into their annual budgets. It was also establishing an ecologically sound agroforestry system in the buffer zone, driving forward largescale reforestation and working towards supplying local households with renewable, sustainably produced raw materials to generate energy.
- Countries
- Philippines
- IKI funding
- 1,948,571.12 €
- Duration
- 08/2010 till 05/2014
- Status
- completed
- Implementing organisation
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
- Political Partner
- Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) - Philippines
- Implementing Partner
- Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) - Philippines
State of implementation/results
- Project completed
- Registration of populations and distribution areas of endangered plant and animal species
- Creation of forest land-use plans for three communities to date · Study on alternative energy production in the province of Antique
- Support for seven municipalities in implementing reforestation activities and disseminating locally appropriate agroforestry practices
- Since the end of the 2013, expansion of innovative approaches and efforts to further improve upon past project results: productive usage of at least 10,000 additional hectares in the areas bordering the Panay mountain range, designation of additional protected areas to ensure sustainable use of the remaining tropical forest
Latest Update:
Project relations
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Related Publications
05/ 2022 | IKI Evaluation
Forest and climate protection on Panay
German with executive summary in English (PDF, 899 KB)