Establishment of a national competence centre on climate change
Morocco is one of the countries which are wholly committed to the fight against climate change in Africa. However, there are still deficits in the formal structures at national and regional levels, and this is why the project has supported the establishment of a climate competence centre to implement the national climate strategy. The centre has also enabled Morocco to participate actively in the international dialogue on climate adaptation and greenhouse gas mitigation. Through an information programme, the project has trained national climate experts as multipliers who then raise awareness of climate policy and adaptation and climate action measures nationwide. Various instruments – including a reliable climate database and measuring, reporting and verification (MRV) systems – have been developed for sustainable knowledge management on greenhouse gas reduction and adaptation to climate change. Thanks to South-South cooperation, the results of the Climate Competence Centre have been made available to neighbouring countries on a long-term basis.
- Countries
- Morocco
- IKI funding
- 6,800,000.00 €
- Duration
- 09/2013 till 12/2020
- Status
- completed
- Implementing organisation
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
- Political Partner
- Ministry of Energy, Mines, Water and Environment (MEMEE) - Morocco*
- Implementing Partner
- Ministry of Energy, Mines, Water and Environment (MEMEE) - Morocco*
- Online
State of implementation/results
- Project completed.
- The Climate Competence Centre "4C Maroc" has been officially established with the support of the IKI project since October 2016. It has its own staff and works autonomously on its own premises. Through the preparation and implementation of the COP22 in Marrakech, it gained national and international attention and high visibility. See
- The project has accompanied the development of the Moroccan contribution to combat climate change (NDC), the roadmap for its implementation, the national climate plan and the NDCP partnership agreement. It also accompanied the revision of the NDC towards more ambitious targets and prepares indicators for monitoring its implementation.
- A national greenhouse gas inventory system (SNI-GES) was established with the support of the project and officially adopted by the Moroccan government by decree on 16 November 2018. A manual for its application, also developed by the project, is available.
- After having held three international conferences on "adaptation metrics", the project 4C initiated the foundation of an International Platform for Adaptation Metrics (IPAM) in November 2019.
- For the COP 23 in Bonn, the project 4C produced and presented a short film in French and English about Morocco's commitment to climate change. Furthermore, an image film for the Climate Competence Centre was completed in early 2019.
- In May 2018 a cooperation agreement for "International Network of Climate Change Centers of Excellence and Think Tanks for Capacity Building - INCCCETT 4CB" was signed in Bonn. INCCCETT 4CB comprises 13 institutions from all over the world and is particularly interested in capacity building for adaptation measures in the context of NDC implementation. The "4C Maroc" is the Secretary General of this network.
- In the framework of South-South cooperation, a workshop with five African countries was held in Casablanca on 23 and 24 November 2018 to exchange experiences on how to integrate climate adaptation requirements into spatial development plans.
- The Environment Committee of the German Bundestag was received by the Director of 4C Maroc for an exchange on 23 October 2018.
Latest Update:
Project relations
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