Enabling conditions to reduce deforestation in the Colombian Amazon (Caqueta) through sustainable agroforestry in the context of integral land use
The Amazon Basin is one of the most species-rich ecosystems in the world – but it is under threat, and above all by deforestation. The project helped to reduce deforestation and to preserve biodiversity in the Colombian region. To achieve these goals, it supported local land users and indigenous communities in introducing sustainable production systems such as agroforestry. In addition to providing technical advice, the project also developed business models and financing mechanisms to enable a broad-based implementation. Ecological connectivity corridors were promoted through the development of an integrated landscape model that links indigenous territories, protected areas and sustainable cultivation systems. The impacts of the project made it possible for the region to receive funds for REDD+- measures and to use them successfully. The project also reduced greenhouse gas emissions and increased the adaptability of both ecosystems and food security for the population.
- Countries
- Colombia
- IKI funding
- 3,095,957.99 €
- Duration
- 03/2017 till 06/2021
- Status
- completed
- Implementing organisation
- The Nature Conservancy (TNC) - International
- Political Partner
- Corporation for the Sustainable Development of the Southern Amazon (CORPOAMAZONIA)
- Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MinAmbiente) - Colombia
- Implementing Partner
- Amazon Conservation Team (ACT) - Colombia
- Comité Departamental de Ganaderos del Caquetá - Colombia
State of implementation/results
- Project completed.
- The implementation of the project with farmers and indigenous communities of the foothills and the Amazonian plain of Caquetá has generated valuable lessons learned to achieve a sustainable agroforestry in the region. These learnings were compiled into an “Agroforestry for Conservation Toolbox” specially designed for local institutions, agricultural technicians, producers and communities. This is an instrument that allows them to strengthen their capabilities to plan, implement and monitor agroforestry systems, contributing to the consolidation of a Sustainable Amazonian landscape.
- 13 tools were developed:
- Guide for property planning
- Practical guide of technical assistance
- Guide for the reconversion of livestock systems
- Guide for the implementation of meliponiculture in the Colombian Amazon
- Agroforestry systems in the Fragua Churumbelos and Bajo Caguan corridors
- Practical guide for participatory planning
- Concepts, guidelines and criteria for the participatory integration of the environmental dimension in territorial management
- Guide for the construction of dialogues and intercultural agreements in the territory
- Land cover monitoring protocol
- Biodiversity monitoring protocol
- Carbon monitoring protocol in forest and non-forest covers in Colombia
- Guide for the declaration of civil society reserves
- Agroforestry models
Latest Update:
Project relations
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