Ecosystem-based Adaptation to Climate Change in cooperation with the private sector in Mexico (ADAPTUR)

Mexico has the potential to strengthen the resilience of its tourist destinations through the conservation of its natural capital. The project focused on reducing society's vulnerability to climate change (CC) and promotes the integration of biodiversity and climate change effects into economic development, decision-making, and sector investments. Thus, it contributed to the linking and compliance of the NDC and the Aichi targets of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) at the national and sub-national level. The project worked in six pilot sites with high touristic potential, biodiversity and vulnerability to CC. The project trained key actors on ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA), analysed the impacts of CC and its link with eco-system services, strengthened intersectoral cooperation to integrate EbA in investments and sectoral development projects, identified financial mechanisms, and implemented EbA pilot-measures in cooperation between the tourism and environmental sector.

Project data

IKI funding
5,000,000.00 €
09/2017 till 10/2023
Implementing organisation
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH - Mexico
Political Partner
  • Mexican Agency for International Development Cooperation (AMEXCID)
Implementing Partner
  • Secretariat of Tourism - Mexico
  • Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT) - Mexico
  • National Commission of Protected Areas (CONANP) - Mexico
  • National Commission of Protected Areas (CONANP) - Mexico
  • National Institute of Ecology and Climate Change (INECC) - Mexico

State of implementation/results

  • Project completed.
  • Following the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in February 2022 between the National Association of State-level Environmental Authorities (ANAAE), the Association of State Departments of Tourism (ASETUR) and GIZ, the joint work plan has been implemented and the ADAPTUR Training Program platform has been presented; (the trainings are focused on different actors of the tourism and environmental sectors and provide basic information to understand the ADAPTUR methodology and with it the implementation of adaptation actions at the subnational level).
  • From January to August 2023, 1,112 people from all over Mexico have registered on the ADAP¬TUR Training Program and people from 60 other countries (Ecuador, Honduras, Guatemala, Colombia, Peru, Uruguay, Bolivia, Venezuela, Jamaica, El Salvador, Panama, Canada, United States and Spain) have been registered.…
  • The project has reached an agreement with the Mexican Ministry of Tourism whereby a second generation of people (those who sign up from October to Decem¬ber 2023) will receive a certificate endorsed by the Ministry, which becomes an incentive so that more people will enroll and complete this training program.…¬nos-turisticos-resilientes-al-clima-turismo-y-medio-ambiente-en-mexico-se-unen-para-capaci¬tar-al-sector/
  • With the Mexican Senate, technical capacities were being built on biodiversity, climate change and financial mobilization for adaptation to climate change in the tourism sector. The presidents of the commissions dealing with these topics presented at the high-level ADAPTUR’s handover event.…¬TUR.pdf
  • The Strategy on Mainstreaming Biodiversity in the Tourism Sector for the state of Jalisco has been finalized and it’s in the process of being published by the state’s government…;…
  • In August 2023 the National Natural Protected Areas Commission (CONANP) and the National For¬estry Commission (CONAFOR) presented to the AEBBA the plan for the new Natural Pro¬tected Area of Sierra de Vallejo-Rio Ameca that is planned to be declared in October 2023. Both Commissions also presented the financial mechanism in which the private sector can contribute to maintain protect it for the ecosystem services that they provide to this destination. Dialogues and preparations have continued among the stake¬holders to determine a payment scheme and next steps.……¬rimonio-natural-regional/…¬tivo-en-la-sustentabilidad/
  • In Los Cabos (Baja California Sur), in coordination with the National Natural Protected Areas Commission, local stakeholders and another GIZ project (BIOCITIS), the study on carrying ca¬pacity for the Natural Protected Area of Cabo San Lucas was carried out to help regulate tourism activities and therefore reduce the sector’s impacts on ecosystems and biodiversity.
  • Likewise, in both Los Cabos and Mexico City, the project carried out a consultancy for the pur¬pose of integrating climate change criteria on urban-touristic instruments in coordination with Los Cabos’s Municipal Planning Institute and Mexico City’s Tourism Ministry, respectively.
  • In the municipality of Guanajuato, the Emblem Project (Proyecto Emblema) has been implemented (EbA measures in State’s Natural Protected Area Cuenca de la Esperanza where tourism activities take place); with the support of the private tourism and industrial sector like Pirelli and Volkswagen México.…¬anza-intersectorial-para-la-adaptacion-al-cambio-climatico/…¬cion-de-hectareas-en-la-anp-cuenca-de-la-esperanza……¬peranza.html
  • The Guide on adaptation in the hospitality industry is available in English and Spanish:…
  • The project has compiled and systematized all the experiences and lessons learned during six years of implementation and putted them together in the "ADAPTUR’s Methodology" a docu¬ment that explains in simple steps how to integrate adaptation criteria and implement hard and soft EbA measures (public policies and actions in the territory) from the tourism sector. The PDF document and interactive step-by-step map are available on the project’s website adap¬…
  • In addition, the project passed the baton to key stakeholders of both the environmental and tourism sectors at the handover event by coordinating the signing of the Memorandum of Un¬derstanding to consolidate the Tourism Alliance for the Water, Biodiversity, Climate and Com¬munities Protection which will be responsible of following up on ADAPTUR’s activities and pro¬gress. This alliance seeks to continue to promote the cooperation between private, public, and social sectors. Amongst the signatories were the Mexican Tourism Ministry (SECTUR), the Mexican Ministry on the Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT), the Mexican Senate through the Foreign Affairs Commission, Valle de Bravo’s civil society alliance, Azteca Foundation, UNDP through their GEF project KUXATUR and will help to give institutional sup¬port, both ASETUR and ANAAE which will help coordinate actions at a subnational level.
  • The project has been the basis for establishing an important link of collaboration between the tourism and environment sectors of the public and private sectors at the federal and subnational levels. Results of this process have been presented at the 7th World Sustainable & Social Tourism Summit, where the roadmap for the elaboration of the Strategy for the Integration of Biodiversity under climate change conditions of the Tourism Sector of the state of Guanajuato has been presented; aligning the Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) with the Glasgow dec¬laration of Tourism and CC agreement for the decarbonization of the tourism sector, a process recognized by the UNWTO……

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