Developing a resilient and effectively managed network of Marine Protected Areas in the Lesser Sunda Ecoregion.
The project supported the development of a network of marine protected areas (MPAs), improved land-use planning on the part of the Indonesian provincial and district governments and effective fisheries management. The objective preserved ecosystems along the coastlines of the Lesser Sunda Islands in Indonesia, already threatened by overfishing, pollution, non-sustainable coastal zone development and climate change. The project took stock of the condition of the marine protected area in the Savu Sea, set up monitoring systems, conducted studies into various fishing methods and the resulting by-catch and question relevant actors about the MPA. It also trained decision-makers and other actors on how best to exploit this new data and information. In order to promote sustainable fisheries, the project advised on creating stronger market incentives and formulating appropriate strategies and regulations. This also contributed to food security in the region.
- Countries
- Indonesia
- IKI funding
- 2,900,000.00 €
- Duration
- 11/2012 till 09/2017
- Status
- completed
- Implementing organisation
- The Nature Conservancy (TNC) - International
- Political Partner
- East Nusa Tenggara Provincial Government
- Implementing Partner
- Alfa Omega Foundation - Indonesia
- Bahtera Foundation - Indonesia
- Bali Seafood International - Indonesia
- Blue Ocean Foundation (BOF) - Indonesia
- East Nusa Tenggara University Consortium for Sustainable Fisheries (UniConSuFish) - Indonesia
- Indonesia Komodo Lestari Foundation (YAKINES)
- Juang Laut Lestari Foundation - Indonesia
- Kasimo Foundation - Indonesia
- Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries - Indonesia
- National Authority for Marine Conservation Areas (MMAF) - Indonesia
- Peduli Sabu Foundation - Indonesia
- Sanggar Suara Perempuan Foundation - Indonesia
- Sustainable Fisheries Program on West Nusa Tenggara Province - Indonesia
- Tananua Foundation - Indonesia
- Team P4KKP Laut Sawu or ENT CMCC - Indonesia
- Tunas Jaya Foundation - Indonesia
- Wahana Komunikasi Wanita Foundation - Indonesia
- Wahana Visi Indonesia
State of implementation/results
- project completed
- An intensive training course on marine and coastal ecosystems was conducted for journalists. Topic: Improving communications on environmental topics in the region.
- The new management and zoning plan for the Savu Sea National Marine Park (SSNMP) was adopted by ministerial decree through the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries. This was preceded by a series of consultations initiated through the project. In the process, the area of the park’s core zones was increased eightfold.
- The Marine Conservation Council was founded. Its tasks include supporting and coordinating the management of the SSNMP, and drawing up a strategic plan covering the next three years. This was preceded by a series of consultations.
- Together with the SSNMP park administration, appropriate protocols on various surveys of marine biodiversity were further developed and agreed on. They now form part of the training programme designed for park administration staff.
- The analysis of geographic data on fishing grounds, land-use plans, coral bleaching and population data and a fish census were conducted.
- Support was provided for establishing fisherman associations. Individuals were identified who could serve as multipliers and advocates of a co-management approach for marine protected areas.
- A training course on marine protected area development was conducted.
- 1,623.2 hectares of Right Based Fisheries Management pilot was created through customary law in Rote Island, Lesser Sunda.
- During the Lesser Sunda project closing workshop, we produced at least 12 publications, including series of protocols, technical reports and lessons learned.
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Project relations
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