Climate Policy Programme Brazil (PoMuC)
The Climate Policy Programme supported the Brazilian government in successfully achieving its medium- and long-term greenhouse gas reduction targets. In cooperation with the Ministry of Environment, a national REDD+ strategy was implemented and a Federal Programme for Payments for Environmental Services was developed. Improving elements of a transparency system provided further information on the climate policy progress. Together with the Ministry of Economy, capacities in the areas of greenhouse gas reporting, climate finance and "green" growth were strengthened. The continuous exchange of experience between relevant actors, systematic knowledge management and digital tools additionally contribute to a more efficient and targeted implementation of climate policy measures.
- Countries
- Brazil
- IKI funding
- 11,250,000.00 €
- Duration
- 08/2016 till 05/2024
- Status
- completed
- Implementing organisation
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH - Brazil
- Political Partner
- Ministry of Environment and Climate Change (MMA) - Brazil
- Ministry of Finance (MF) - Brazil
- Implementing Partner
- 2° Investing Initiative
- Association of State Environmental Entities (ABEMA)
- Climate Policy Initiative (CPI)
- Institute of Applied Economic Research (IPEA)
- Ministry of Environment and Climate Change (MMA) - Brazil
- Ministry of Finance (MF) - Brazil
State of implementation/results
- Project is completed.
- 2017/18: Interministerial working group prepares a legislative proposal for reform of the national climate fund.
- 2017: Support in the preparation of the first monitoring report on the implementation of the National Adaptation Plan.
- 12/2017: First network meeting of Brazilian IKI projects to identify synergies and initiate exchange.
- 11/2018: Second network meeting of IKI projects in Brazil on "Climate and Biodiversity: Communication with Impact".
- 11/12 2018: Presentation of the results of the study on vulnerability maps for 5,570 Brazilian municipalities in the three risk categories droughts, floods and landslides to representatives at federal and municipal level as well as at a side event at COP24.
- 12/2018: Data portal for regional climate models "Projeta" launched in cooperation with the National Space Research Institute (INPE) (…).
- Since 12/2018: Through four calls, a total of 11 innovative financing instruments have been selected by the Climate Policy Initiative (CPI) for support from the Brazil Innovation Lab for Climate Finance. 12/2022, CPI published an impact report (…).
- 09/2019: Ex-ante impact analysis of a nationally mandatory, company-related greenhouse gas reporting system completed. Studies (pt) available in the download area of the PoMuC project page of GIZ (
- 11/2019: Third IKI network meeting on "Climate protection and biodiversity at subnational level".
- 06/2020: Results for the analysis of the National Climate Budget by the Research Institute for Applied Economics (IPEA) have been completed.
- Since 07/2021, nine issues of the newsletter "IKI News Brazil" have been published. Past editions are available in the download area of GIZ's PoMuC project page. You can subscribe to the newsletter under…
- 10/2021: Fourth network meeting of Brazilian IKI projects on "Climate and Biodiversity Finance", for the first time virtually.
- 11/2021: First version of the digital Info Hub for the implementation of the Brazilian REDD+ strategy and its results was presented to the public (
- 11/2021: Safeguard indicators of the national REDD+ Safeguards Information System were approved by the relevant working group under the national REDD+ Commission and presented during COP26. A pilot monitoring was carried out in 2022.
- 11/2021: Handbook on eligibility for results-based payments for reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+) published by the Ministry of Environment (MMA) (…).
- 03/2022: Work started to check the portfolio for climate compliance with national capital market regulator CVM in cooperation with the 2 Degree Investing Initiative (
- 08/2023: Analysis results published in the report "Too big to fail Measuring the Alignment of the Brazilian Fund's Industry with Climate Goals" (…).
- 05/2022: Fifth network meeting of Brazilian IKI projects on "Linking digital and green transformation" in Brasília, hybrid for the first time.
- 08/2022: Exchange of experience between the Association of Federal Environmental Authorities (ABEMA), various states and the Federal District on the implementation of a policy for environmental services at the state level.
- 08/2022: After Amazonas and Tocantins (2021), the states of Pará and Amapá have also been confirmed eligible to receive REDD+ payments by the national REDD+ Commission. The four states were advised by PoMuC on the process. Acre, Mato Grosso are also eligible.
- 08/2022: Work started on the development of a new module of the national emission system SIRENE for the (voluntary) registration of greenhouse gas balances of companies with the Ministry of Science (MCTI).
- 11/2022: Presentation of the prototype of a module of the national emissions system SIRENE for the voluntary registration of companies' greenhouse gas balances at COP27.
- 12/2022: Publication of the Climate Action Plan of the State of São Paulo (Net Zero 2050) (…).
- 03/2023: Exchange of experiences on multi-level and multi-sectoral climate governance between states and federal ministries, organized by the Association of Federal Environmental Agencies (ABEMA) (…)
- 06/2023: Exchange of experiences on the topic of "Subnational Climate Finance" for members of the Climate Working Group of ABEMA with the participation of the Ministry of the Environment (MMA)
- 08/2023: Four-part online event series "IKI Knowledge Journey" to promote exchange between the implementing organisations of the IKI projects in Brazil completed. The events were dedicated to topics such as climate finance and climate justice and were accompanied by renowned keynote speakers such as indigenous youth activist Paulo Galvão.
Latest Update:
Further links
Project relations
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