Clean, Affordable and Secure Energy for Southeast Asia (CASE)
Southeast Asia is one of the fastest-growing developing regions in the world, with an energy demand forecast to rise by 70% by 2040. The partner countries are currently responsible for 80% of the region's energy consumption, which, according to current planning, includes the substantial use of coal. This makes the successful implementation of the Paris Agreement more difficult. The project therefore supports an energy transition with ambitious climate goals in this region. Together with the broad participation of relevant stakeholders, evidence-based solutions for key challenges are being developed aimed at reorienting the energy transition and the pertinent local dialogue. It also supports coordination in the energy sector in South East Asia and provides technical and political assistance. The project is developing a knowledge platform and it is also participating in the regional specialist dialogue as part of the South East Asian Energy Transition Partnership (ETP). The project is part of the IKI Corona Response Package.
- Countries
- Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, Viet Nam
- IKI funding
- 29,550,000.00 €
- Included preparation phase
- 435,227.87 €
- Duration
- 03/2020 till 02/2027
- Status
- open
- Implementing organisation
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
- Political Partner
- Department of Energy (DOE) - Philippines
- Department of Energy Policy and Planning (DEPP / EPPO) - Thailand
- National Assembly of Vietnam - Committee on Science, Technology and Environment
- State Ministry of National Development Planning (BAPPENAS) - Indonesia
- Implementing Partner
- Thailand Development Research Institute - TDRI
- Agora Energiewende Smart Energy for Europe Platform gGmbH*
- Energy Research Institute (ERl)
- Institute for Climate and Sustainable Cities (iCSC) - Philippines
- Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR)
- NewClimate - Institute for Climate Policy and Global Sustainability gGmbH
- Vietnam Initiative for Energy Transition (VIET)
- Online
State of implementation/results
- Against the background of the COVID-19 pandemic, CASE will offer government representatives and other target groups advice on how Green Recovery can harmonize both economic recovery and sustainable energy change.
- During the ADB-hosted “Asia Clean Energy Forum” (ACEF, June 14-18, 2021), CASE was engaged in two events:
- Organized by ADB's Southeast Asia Department, the Regional Session “Getting Southeast Asia on the Clean Energy Fast Track” was a discussion among a group of development partners with active programs in the Southeast Asia region. Speakers introduced their respective programs and highlighted the support available to assist developing member countries in their journey to clean energy. The opportunities, challenges, and gaps for such support were discussed.
- The CASE-organized side-event “: Evidence-based Communications to Propel the Energy Transition” focused on the role of communications in the energy transition. The side event defined and highlighted the underutilized potential of evidence-based communications in the energy transition. Speakers included Fabby Tumiwa (Institute for Essential Services Reform, IESR) and Red Constantino (Institute for Climate and Sustainable Cities, ICSC) who are both members of the CASE project consortium.
- Joining forces with REN21 and ETP, CASE is co-organising the “REndez-Vous” series in Southeast Asia. These hands-on events aim to involve practitioners in the field of energy transition, providing a space to share and learn. CASE provided technical expertise supported dialogue and outreach around the event. In the spirit of the programme, CASE has been adamant in empowering active roles for local think-tank representatives and stakeholders in the concept, as well as gender balance.
- On September 29 2022, CASE launched the “SEA Information Platform for the Energy Transition” (SIPET), which hosts a dynamic donor mapping, and up-to-date information on the region’s power sectors (link: Moreover, a section on the Just Energy Transition Partnerships (JETP) in Indonesia and Vietnam was added.
- Regional:.
- During the ASEAN Ministers of Energy Meeting (AMEM), the ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE), the Southeast Asia Energy Transition Partnership (ETP) and CASE held a signing ceremony on 25 August 2023 to formalise the partnership in an MoU. In preparation a grant agreement with ACE was concluded in July 2023 to facilitate the joint workstream on the ASEAN Power Grid.
- IDN:
- Together with the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, the Financial Services Authority of Indonesia (OJK), the OECD and USAID, CASE organized a Clean Energy Finance and Investment (CEFI) training which brought together key stakeholders in clean energy development in Indonesia to discuss barriers and identify solutions to unlock financing for sustainable energy projects.
- CASE organized capacity building on solar PV business for financiers and private industries at IndoSolar Expo 2023.
- Together with the Ministry of National Development Planning/ National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) and the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR), CASE organized the 2nd Indonesia Sustainable Energy Week (ISEW), as a national platform to discuss Indonesia’s energy transition, as well as showcasing German-Indonesian cooperation successes.
- The Indonesia JETP Secretariat has released its Comprehensive Investment Policy and Plan (CIPP) that outlines a proposal for utilizing the US$ 20 billion deal between the Government of Indonesia and the International Partners Group (IPG). CASE, IKI JET, and Indonesian-German Energy Cooperation Hub have supported especially on chapter 6 "Ensuring a Just Energy Transition".
- PHL:
- From the 21st of July until the 3rd of August 2023, CASE wrapped-up the Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao training of the Simplified Planning Tool V.4 conducted for the mandated participants to comply with the Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS).
- In March 2024, the (redacted) Philippine Power Procurement Agreement (PPA) study was published with an analysis which highlighted over-contracting and now in the development on pathways on efficient contracting processes.
- THA:
- The workshop “Thai Carbon Neutral: Empowering Innovation for a Low Carbon Future” was held on June 28, 2023 to build networks within the low-carbon society, including small and medium-sized companies, start-ups, and research scientists in Thailand.
- CASE held a journalist workshop on July 15-16, 2023 to inform about the transition to renewable energy sources and develop effective energy communicators (researchers, creative storytellers). The workshop included activities of headline creation, networking and campaign initiatives.
- On September 1, 2023, CASE hosted the "Climate Finance & Thailand Taxonomy: Opportunities and Challenges" event, to share insights from CASE’s study on financial mechanisms supporting decarbonisation across power, transport, and industry sectors. The event also included an engaging panel discussion with key stakeholders, focusing on the role on the newly launched Thailand Taxonomy.
- On October 10, 2023, CASE held a public forum "Unlocking Solar Rooftop Investment in Thailand: Facilitating Policy and Financial De-risking Instruments" to verify the preliminary result of the study and to share international experience on solar and battery. Participants from public, private and banking sectors participated in the event.
- On 16 Nov 2023, CASE organized a knowledge-sharing session on hydrogen and “Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM)“ providing capacity building to the agencies under the Ministry of Energy.
- VNM:
- In support of the Earth Hour campaign, on March 25, 2023, CASE collaborated with the Vietnam Electricity (EVN) and the Hoan Kiem District People’s Committee to co-organize the awareness raising event “Clean Energy - Green Earth" in the pedestrian zone around Hoan Kiem Lake. The event attracted around 500 people and was reported about in a wide range of mass media in Vietnam.
- During a training of trainers in June and July 2023 teachers from vocational colleges in North, Central and South Vietnam were trained on disseminating knowledge on the instalment of rooftop solar.
- In November 2023, CASE in collaboration with the Ministry of Science and Technology, organized the 6th Viet Nam Technology and Energy Forum 2023, with the main topic “Potential of local content development in wind and solar energy sector in Viet Nam”. About 160 attendees from public stakeholders, the private sector, academia, and development partners joined the event.
- In December 2023, CASE co-organized an annual Student Forum on Sustainable Energy Transition, an event to promote student research on RE and energy transition. The Forum attracted about 500 applicants for 87 research papers from 8 technical universities in Viet Nam. 200 students and lecturers attended the event in-person in Hanoi.
Latest Update:
Project relations
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