Building capacity in the use of the Global Bioenergy Partnership indicators for sustainable bioenergy
The project was testing indicators in order to assess the sustainability of the production and use of numerous forms of bioenergy in Ethiopia, Kenya, Paraguay and Viet Nam. It was following up on a pilot project that tested these indicators in Indonesia and Colombia. The indicators were developed by the 'Global Bioenergy Partnership' (GBEP). The project was strengthening the capacity of the participating governments to monitor the environmental, social and economic impacts of their bioenergy production and use and to establish viable policy for sustainable bioenergy development. The project gathered available data on the topic of bioenergy in the partner countries and used a participatory process to develop measurement methods and strategies tailored to each country for the indicators. Training measures and regional workshops enabled governments and scientists to independently measure and evaluate the indicators on a regular basis.
- Countries
- Paraguay, Viet Nam
- IKI funding
- 1,396,047.84 €
- Duration
- 04/2015 till 04/2018
- Status
- completed
- Implementing organisation
- Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
- Political Partner
- Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock - Paraguay
- Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) - Viet Nam
- Paraguayan national oil company (PETROPAR) - Paraguay
- Implementing Partner
- Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock - Paraguay
- Ministry of Industry and Trade (MOIT) - Viet Nam
- Paraguayan national oil company (PETROPAR) - Paraguay
State of implementation/results
- Project completed.
- Implementation in Paraguay and Vietnam through FAO, in Ethiopia and Kenya through UN Environment.
- Multistakeholder working group (MSWG) established in each target countries by bringing together key experts and stakeholders from both public and private sectors.
- The most relevant bioenergy pathways and sustainability issues (and related indicators) identified: ethanol from maize and sugarcane and wood energy in Paraguay; cassava-based ethanol and biogas in Viet Nam.
- Three Centers of Excellence (CoE) contracted in each target country to apply the GBEP sustainability indicators to the selected bioenergy pathways.
- CoE started collecting data and information in close consultation with the MSWG.
Latest Update:
Project relations
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