Biodiversity Conservation through Preparatory Measures for Avoided Deforestation (REDD) in the Merang Peat Forest Area

The purpose of the project was to conserve the peat forests in the project area. The carbon stored in these forests was to be inventoried, and geomonitoring was established. Methodologies for this purpose were refined. In addition, measures to restore forest areas were prepared and implemented. Strategies and structures for peat forest management were developed and put in place in close cooperation with local authorities, communities and the private sector. The measures were complemented by an integrated fire management scheme. They enabled the district government to establish the preconditions for investments from the carbon market.

Project data

IKI funding
1,481,766.62 €
12/2008 till 01/2012
Implementing organisation
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Political Partner
  • Ministry of Forestry - Indonesia*

State of implementation/results

Project completed

  • Variety of data collected to create the project design documents, which are a precondition in Indonesia for participation in the REDD+ process; these include: calculation of emissions from 2,400 hectares of the Merang area and measurements of peat in order to calculate the total carbon content
  • Establishment and management of forest enterprises; created legal framework and provided further training for district staff
  • Tree nurseries established and planting materials made available
  • Reforestation of degraded areas with the participation of the local people
  • Specialized advisory support to the Ministry of Forestry
  • Establishment and training of 14 village groups to implement small loan programmes
  • Training for community foresters, for example on fire management to prevent and fight forest fires
  • Newly-established women's groups strengthened through measures including training and advisory support on issues like small animal husbandry, production of tofu and snacks, establishment of stores, and production of charcoal from waste wood


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