Avoidance of deforestation and forest degradation in the border area of southern Laos and central Vietnam for the long-term conservation of carbon sinks and biodiversity
The project was committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation through improved protected area management. To this end, the project partners developed a sustainable management plan for aapproximately 220,000 hectarea od forest area consisting of four nature conservation areas and two connecting corridors and put it into practice. The project improved the control of the protected areas and trained the respective institutions in conservation area management. In addition, the project restored natural forests in other forest corridors in the border area between Vietnam and Laos through afforestation, enrichment plantings and sustainable forest management. Newly introduced control and monitoring systems have made the timber trade of Vietnam and Laos more transparent and reduced international leakage.
- Countries
- Laos, Viet Nam
- IKI funding
- 6,999,939.70 €
- Duration
- 12/2010 till 04/2017
- Status
- completed
- Implementing organisation
- KfW Entwicklungsbank
- Political Partner
- Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry - Lao PDR
- Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) - Viet Nam
- Implementing Partner
- World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) - Germany
State of implementation/results
- Project completed
- A management information system (MIST) has been introduced in the three protected areas in Vietnam.
- Training and continuous professional development activities for relevant stakeholders have been designed and carried out, including 45 game warden patrols in Hue Saola Nature Reserve and a 10-day training course for game wardens in Quang Nam Saola Nature Reserve.
- A structure for management plans for the protected areas has been established in regional workshops and future steps towards cross-boundary cooperation adopted.
- Two studies to define a framework for investigating the extent of illegal logging/lumber trading have been carried out; routes used to transport the lumber have been analysed using RapidEye satellite images.
- Consultation workshops and an exchange of experience on rehabilitating degraded natural forests and creating bio-corridors have been carried out; guidelines for local authority land use planning have been developed.
- MRV workshops (monitoring, reporting and verification) have been carried out. The participants were employees of the Laotian and Vietnamese protected area administrations and the government authorities responsible for protected area management.
Latest Update:
Project relations
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