Addressing REDD+ through Landscape-Scale Sustainable Commodity Production Models

Forest ecosystems are often endangered by competing types of land use. The project developed with participating partners and the ‘LandScale’ (LS) framework and rolled it out. This, in turn, will mobilise private-sector investment in low-emission agricultural production that avoids deforestation, whose implementation will be assessed against a set of sustainability criteria. This approach can also underpin and supplement public funding and state-led REDD+ strategies. The LS framework will focus on a small number of key assessment criteria for which there is specific demand as well as potential funding. Such assessment criteria may include greenhouse gas emissions, deforestation, biodiversity, water availability, adaptation, quality of life and productivity. Partner countries deployed the LS framework to designated model production landscapes in order to assess their social and ecological impact. The LS framework will have a global scope.

Project data

Costa Rica, Ghana, Guatemala, Peru
IKI funding
4,169,399.00 €
10/2017 till 09/2022
Implementing organisation
Verified Carbon Standard Association (VERRA) - USA
Political Partner
  • Forestry Commission - Ghana
  • Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (MARN) - Guatemala
  • National Forest and Wildlife Authority (SERFOR) - Peru
  • National System of Conservation Areas (SINAC) - Costa Rica
Implementing Partner
  • The Proforest Initiative
  • Climate Community & Biodiversity Alliance (CCBA)
  • Fundación Solidaridad Latinoamericana ‘Solidaridad’
  • International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) – Regional Office for Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean (ORMACC)
  • Nature Conservation Research Centre (NCRC)
  • Rainforest Alliance

State of implementation/results

  • Project completed.
  • On April 5, 2022, a launch event was held for LandScale´s online platform and version 1 of LandScale Assessment Framework and Guidelines. IKI was provided with information to assist in outreach of the online launch event. A testimonial video was shared at the LandScale launch event. In the video, leaders from key organizations talk about how LandScale helped/will help with their work. The video has nearly 200 views on YouTube. The video can be accessed here (…).
  • In April 2022, the Innovation Forum published a 15-minute podcast with José Luis López, palm oil and biodiversity programme manager at Solidaridad, and Mario Rafael Rodriguez, senior associate at the Rainforest Alliance. The podcast focused on the landscape initiative in Ocosito, Guatemala and how their LandScale assessment has helped them identify human rights and labor risks in the landscape. The podcast was shared on the Innovation Forum website and promoted in Innovation Forum newsletters and social media. A recording of the podcast can be accessed here (…).
  • LandScale was featured in a number of articles:
    • Rainforest Alliance article: Sustainability at Scale: How LandScale Can Support Your Company’s Commitments
    • DW article: Working together for precious water in Costa Rica
    • -- Bartalks article: How Olam Uses LandScale to Drive Sustainability;
    • Olam blog: A ‘LandScale’ Approach to Powering Coffee Sustainability in Mexico;
    • Rainforest Alliance blog: Using LandScale to Power Broadscale Sustainability in Mexico’s Key Coffee Region;
    • Online seminar for the Conservation Coaches Network: LandScale: A New Framework for Conservation Coaches;
    • Presentation and Q&A session for approx. 15 World Bank & IFC staff, convened by Lori Ann Conzo, a member of the LandScale Advisory Group: Trusted Landscape-Level Sustainability Insights - an Introduction to LandScale).
  • On 04.09.2021, LandScale hosted a virtual session at the World Conservation Congress titled “No farm is an island: making agriculture work for landscapes and vice-versa.”
  • On 11.06.2021, Patricia Quijandria, Director for the tropical Andes at Rainforest Alliance, talked in an Innovation Forum podcast about the challenges involved in doing a LandScale assessment in the Lamas Pilot Landscape, sustainable work, the importance of ECOM Agroindustrial Corp. and Norandino, and future expectations.
  • On 5.11.2020, LandScale hosted a virtual workshop at the Innovation Forum event “Sustainable Landscapes and Commodities Forum”. The workshop session's name was "The business case for investing at landscape scale: How to create incentives and rewards for improvements in landscape sustainability performance".
  • On 28.10.2020, Innovation Forum released an opinion article on LandScale “Can sustainability challenges be solved at the landscape scale?” (…)
  • Version 0.2 of LandScale’s Assessment Framework and Guidelines were published on 27.10.2020 and opened for public consultation until 15.12.2020.
  • On 15.10.2020, the Panorama website featured the application of LandScale with the Agua Tica water fund. (…)
  • Open call for Innovator Pilots and online seminars on 07.03.2020 and 23.04.2020. The groups participating as Innovator Pilots were selected in the third quarter of 2020 and started piloting Version 0.2 of the LandScale Assessment Framework and Guidelines during the last quarter of 2020.
  • On 04.06.2020, LandScale hosted a virtual session at the Global Landscapes Forum. The purpose was to get input from thought-leaders in the landscape sustainability space.
  • The LandScale Assessment Framework and Guidelines were published for a first public consultation in 08.2019.
  • Presentation of LandScale at the Global Landscapes Forum in Bonn, Germany, on 23.06.2019, as part of the session “No one left behind: landscape governance in Latin America and the Caribbean”.
  • Presentation of LandScale during the Tropical Forest Alliance's Annual Members meeting in Bogota, Colombia between 04. and 08.05.2019. The title of this event was “A Forest Positive Future: Accelerating the Decade of Delivery” and it was co-hosted by the government of Colombia.
  • The project arranged an online seminar on 07.03.2019 for companies, investors and other stakeholders with an interest in learning more about LandScale. The purpose of the online seminar was to raise awareness about this initiative amongst potential users and to provide an opportunity for people to ask questions.

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