Close project
During the project closure phase, the implementing organisation is required to prepare a final report. Here you will find important information and documents to submit the appropriate reports. Please select the appropriate selection procedure for your project.
Exemplary process flow for the project closure phase of an IKI project. Implementing organisations must submit a final report within six months of the project's completion. This consists of a cover sheet, a factual report and a financial statement, as well as an inventory list, if applicable. As per the regulations in the grant agreement, grant recipient organisations with their headquarters abroad must additionally submit an audit report for the entire project duration.
The factual report provides information if the project pre-defined goals have been accomplished and whether the objective of the grant has been fulfilled. It also provides information on the IKI Standard Indicators and the IKI Safeguards. The financial statement is used to document how the funding received was used and compares the planned expenses and income (target) with the actual expenses and income.
Implementing organisations that forward grants to implementing partners (organisations receiving forwarded grants) within the scope of the project are legally obligated to audit the final report of each individual organisation receiving the grants. The implementation as well as the result of the final report are documented and confirmed by the organisation initially receiving the grant on the “Cover sheet of the substantive report”.
Submission format:
- The documents must be submitted together in one email as Word and Excel-compatible files as well as PDF files.
- The project number must be stated in the email reference line.
- Recipient address: iki-final-report(at)
If necessary, implementing organisations will be requested to submit additional information. The submitting organisations will be informed in writing by the responsible ministry of the result of the audit in the form of a final decision/final letter.
Note on the final report for the preparation phase: In the final report, only the paragraphs relevant to the preparation phase have to be completed. The lenght of the report should not exceed 5 to 10 pages of continuous text.
Note: The specifications for GIZ and KfW may differ. The necessary templates are provided directly by the IKI Office.
- IKI Template Final Technical Report (06/2024) (English, DOCX, 132 KB)
- IKI Template Final Financial Report (International Grantees and Mulitnational Organisations) (02/2025) (English, XLSX, 142 KB)
- IKI Template Final Financial Report (Expenditure Basis) (Only for German funding recipients) (02/2025) (German, XLSX, 147 KB)
- IKI Template Final Financial Report (Cost Basis) (Only for German funding recipients) (04/2023) (German, DOCX, 113 KB)
- IKI Template Further Information in SI 5 - Leveraged Finance (04/2022) (English, XLSX, 206 KB)
- IKI Template Annex 7 Standard Indicator Report (07/2023) (English, XLSX, 1 MB)
- IMG-Template Final Technical Report (06/2024) (English, DOCX, 139 KB)
- IMG Reflecting Workshop Guiding Questions (06/2024) (English, DOCX, 138 KB)
- IMG-Template TARGET – ACTUAL - Comparison (06/2024) (English, XLSX, 33 KB)
- IMG-Template Receipt List (10/2024) (English, XLSX, 35 KB)
- IMG-Template Inspection note (06/2024) (English, DOCX, 151 KB)
The IKI Small Grants are implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH. All relevant funding information can be found on the IKI Small Grants website.
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Important information and documents for the implementation of IKI projects in the individual project phases
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