Spice for Life - Bridging People With Nature

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Pepper is one of Sarawak’s main cash crops and the state produces up to 98% of the overall Malaysia’s pepper production, planted almost entirely by local communities. This is why pepper is people’s crop of choice with about 67,000 rural dwellers in the upland areas of the state choosing to cultivate the plant. However, unsustainable practices can lead to negative impacts on the environment, resulting in diminished production and ultimately harming the income of the local communities. Two Iban communities in Song, Sarawak realised the importance of sustainable farming practices and aims to improve their farming practices. WWF-Malaysia works with them towards better yields without degrading the nature that surrounds them. Join us on our journey as we tell the first part of our story.

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6:10 minutes

Date of publication

Indonesia, Malaysia


Green Growth in the Heart of Borneo: Integrating conservation, economic development and well-being of communities across a transboundary landscape

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