Restoration and Community Co-Management of Mangroves - Grenada

The Restoration and Community Co-Management of Mangroves (RECCOMM) pilot project aims to increase the health of the surrounding mangrove forest and associated ecosystems in order to reduce vulnerabilities to the adverse impacts of climate change in the community of Telescope, on the East Coast of Grenada. This project was initiated by the Forestry Department and the Environment Division of the Ministry of Climate Resilience, the Environment, Forestry, Fisheries, Disaster Management and Information of the Government of Grenada, and the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ). It commenced in November 2014 and is being implemented by a community and government co-management board TEDCO. The RECCOMM project is part of the Grenadian-German Pilot Programme “Integrated Climate Change Adaptation Strategies” (ICCAS). ICCAS is funded by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) under its International Climate Initiative (IKI) and implemented jointly by the Government of Grenada, GIZ and the UNDP.
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06:38 Minutes
Date of publication
Grenada - Pilot Programme for an Integrative Adaptation Strategy
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