Putting a price on mangroves
Expansion of aquaculture and population growth in the Mekong Delta over the past decades has led to the destruction of more than half of the region's mangroves. These ecosystems protect coastal areas from erosion, and the Vietnamese government says their depletion could lead to the flooding of up to 40 percent of the country by the end of this century.
Conservation has to make financial sense, especially for local populations. "Mangroves and Markets" - a project run by the Netherlands nonprofit development organization SNV - is encouraging local shrimp farmers to plant mangroves in their aquaculture areas. This creates a perfect breeding ground for shrimp, and allows farmers to work without dangerous and expensive chemicals. Consequently, they stand a greater chance of receiving organic certification - which, in turn increases the value of their products. Financed by the International Climate Initiative (IKI), the project encourages sustainable mangrove replanting.
A film by Joanna Gottschalk
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7:15 Minutes
Date of publication
Global Ideas
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