ODS banks – an unseen threat

Rising temperatures, urbanization and economic growth lead to an increasing demand of refrigeration and air conditioning appliances (RAC), especially in developing countries. Most of the old refrigerators and air conditioners still use refrigerants consisting of ozone depleting substances (ODS) such as hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) with a very high global warming potential (GWP). Due to the Montreal Protocol, production and consumption of ODS have been reduced successfully stepwise. However, the environmentally friendly management of so-called “ODS banks” (waste containing these substances such as old fridges, air conditioners, etc.) is not regulated by the Montreal Protocol and often not properly handled. As a consequence, the substances are leaking from ODS banks into the environment; damaging the ozone layer and global climate. This movie raises awareness for an adequate collection, recovery and destruction of ODS banks.
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Date of publication
Management and Destruction of ozone depleting and climate-damaging substances in cooling devices
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