Colombia's green transport strategy

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In the Colombian capital Bogotá, a bus rapid transit system called "TransMilenio" has become a model form of transportation for developing cities around the world. A combination of designated bus lanes and bike paths, free shuttle buses and underground bicycle stations have proven to be just as effective as a subway system, at just a fraction of the cost. Private bus companies that still have old, polluting carbon-belching vehicles in their fleet are given incentives to close down service and send their drivers to work for TransMilenio instead. What’s more, the country is trying to slash CO2 emissions in its booming freight sector as well by introducing a scrappage bonus.

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06:51 minutes

Date of publication


Facility for Environmentally-Friendly Transport Technology and Measures (TRANSfer I)

Global Ideas

Global Ideas
The television reports and documentaries of Deutsche Welle's 'Global Ideas' media project provide people all over the world with information on model projects which implement biodiversity and climate protection. The media project is funded by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety through the International Climate Initiative.

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