Climate-friendly coffee farming in Costa Rica
Oscar Chacón looks proudly at his flourishing coffee plants: The third-generation coffee farmer has been using climate-friendly growing methods on his farm for years. Chacón is convinced of the benefits of these methods. Now others should follow his example: 6,000 coffee farmers and workers in coffee processing plants are being trained and supported in using climate-friendly farming and processing methods. Because coffee is Costa Rica’s most important export good, but also makes up a large part of the country's CO2 emissions. Climate-friendly coffee farming should now help the Central American country to reach its ambitious goal of being climate-neutral by 2021!
The measures taken are part of the project “Supporting Costa Rica's climate-neutral strategy as a model for low-carbon development”, which Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH is implementing. The German Environment Ministry (BMUB) funds the project under its International Climate Initiative (IKI). GIZ works together with national and international partners, to support the government of Costa Rica in reaching its climate targets.
A film by Katja Döhne
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6:27 Minutes
Date of publication
Support of Costa Rica's carbon neutrality strategy as a model for low carbon development (phase II)
Global Ideas
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